Newsies Last Day Of School

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Spot, Jack, Katherine, Davey, Mush, and Specs are all graduating high school (Specs is only 17 but he's already taken 4 college classes at night and he's graduating early with honors and a 4.0 GPA)
So everyone's finished but graduation is a week after school ends so everyone celebrates after graduation
After the ceremony everyone heads up to Brooklyn because the Brooklyn newsies are having a huge party for Spot (and the Manhattan newsies are invited)
Finch, Elmer, and Mush all sit in the corner eating cake and talking about memories (it gets very sentimental and, although they deny it, tears were shed)
Specs spends the night on the dance floor but everyone thinks he's impersonating a duck and start wondering if he's drunk because he's normally a great dancer
Race grabs Spot halfway through the evening and they disappear, leaving behind their clothes and a pack of cigars (minus one)
Jack and Katherine have a slow dance but then end up in a popcorn fight with some of the Brooklyn newsies and decide to leave the dance floor to Specs the duck
Davey, Les, Romeo, and Crutchie just stay at their table, getting up occasionally for food but mostly just talking and laughing. Les falls asleep around ten so Davey puts him on a couch in the corner while Romeo gets food. Davey ends up coming back to find that Romeo has "fallen in love" with a girlsie over at the dessert table (who he didn't even say hi to, he just looked at her ass) and he explains that she's got a great butt (Davey gives him the stink eye) and he then says she's got great boobs (Crutchie whacks him over the head with his crutch) and Romeo gets upset and heads off to seduce her (Davey and Crutchie just give each other the "like that's gonna happen look" and sure enough, ten minutes later he's back with a disappointed frown)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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