Newsies School Play

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Quite a few of the newsies audition for the school musical (Aladdin)
Jack is very confident that he blew the competition out of the water with his Miley Cyrus medley, but he didn't realize that the songs for a SCHOOL show had to be APPROPRIATE and so "despite his amazing vocal skills, his audition was not up to par" and Jack is cast as the monkey (which is upsetting at first before he realizes he will have enough free time in rehearsal to paint the backdrops)
Spot auditions with a song from Grease and is cast as Aladdin, and when Race auditions he asks if they're going to be cross-gender casting any roles
They say yes because there's no girls auditioning (Kath is on tech) so Race announces he's auditioning for Jasmine (he actually gets the part)
Davey's performance of "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift lands him the part as Genie and Elmer gets the part of Jafar
Les is the flying carpet
Finch and Specs are every other role (shortage of actors)
Romeo is backstage manger (left) and Crutchie is backstage manager (right) and they both take their jobs VERY seriously, making sure every prop is in its place, every costume hung properly, every actor back where no one can see them in the wings
Mush is on lights and sound and it takes him a while to figure out how to switch between mics
Katherine is on costumes, so she makes every one by hand. Her and Crutchie are also on "organization" and they spend an entire Saturday spiking the stage and the prop tables
Everyone's favorite moment was closing night when Aladdin and Jasmine kissed and Race's wig fell off and him and Spot started violently making out onstage (they received a standing ovation)

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