Newsies Go Ice Skating

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Race can't even stand once he gets on the ice, so he's skating around with one of those chairs they give little kids and he's slipping all over until Spot comes and holds him up in place while they skate around (even though Race still looks like he's doing a strange interpretive dance)
Romeo figures out how to skate backwards and does so until he crashes into Finch; they both collapse onto the ice and slide into a wall, also taking down Elmer, who starts whacking them with his hat
Jack can skate okay, but he spends the entire time near the railing on the wall because he has horrible balancing skills
Mush and Specs are both amazing figure skaters and they end up doing a dance on the ice that's Olympic quality
Katherine and Les both decide to take a free beginners class because they've never skated before, and the class ends up in a disaster after Les slides into the instructor
Davey and Crutchie don't rent skates so they go into the room behind the rink where they keep the zamboni (that huge thing they drive over the ice once an hour) and when everyone gets off the ice at 2:00 pm to wait for it to run over the rink, Davey and Crutchie are sitting on the front wearing ridiculous goggles

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