Newsies In Europe

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The newsies go on a trip to Paris, except not all of them are able to get there so only a few are present
Race is there, but he's quite mopey as Spot is back home in New York
Davey and Les have come as well, along with Jack, Finch, Crutchie and Romeo
Specs, Elmer, Katherine, Spot, and Mush are all back at home (Specs refused to leave New York, Elmer said he'd rather sleep, Katherine got a huge job opportunity, Spot wouldn't leave Brooklyn for more than 3 days and Mush was bored by the whole idea)
Race decides that he will attempt to enjoy himself, and he actually does quite a bit, except for missing his bae in Paris
When they visit the Eiffel Tower, Davey and Jack decide to race all the way to the top with Crutchie and Les on their backs (yelling "CHARGE!") which seems easy but not as they hoped- by the fifth flight of stairs Davey is plodding slowly up while Les pounds his shoulders and Jack barely makes it up to the seventh flight. They decide to walk up the rest of the way but Crutchie gets tired after only two more flights so after Finch and Romeo each carry him up five flights of stairs they decide they won't even try to get to the top.
Race drops his cigar off the side of the tower
So they all go back down and Race looks for an hour before deciding it's "the worst trip ever"
At least until they go for crepes and Race decides they're his favorite food and starts getting plain ones to roll up and stick in his pockets (he ends up with thirteen crepes in his pockets)
Romeo and Crutchie take a beginning class in French and Romeo starts saying "Jem apple Romeo" in every other sentence
Jack amuses everyone with his fake French accent
The day they leave, Finch accidentally hits Les in the face while spinning in circles in a park and they spend the next hour anxiously watching Finch try to stop the bleeding as Crutchie asks "are you okay?" Every five seconds
But they get free bread at the airport so it's all good

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