Newsies Homecoming Dance

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Jack asks Katherine as soon as they get the info and of course she says yes
Spot doesn't even need to ask Race they both know they're going together
Romeo and Specs both set off to find dates and are successful
Finch and Elmer are ditching for a night of partying with some of the Brooklyn newsies
Mush plans to go but ends up changing his mind at the last minute when he chickens out on asking someone
Davey and Crutchie both go stag, but end up dancing together (aka Davey carrying Crutchie around and somewhat waltzing)
Katherine and Jack submit themselves for homecoming queen and king, but Spot and Race win because chemistry
Romeo spends the night with a girl he met, and they both really like each other and end up dating for long after
Specs and his date are just friends and they both dance together and with others as well
Davey dances with literally every girl there... And Crutchie
Jack and Katherine go home together
Romeo takes his girl to dinner and has the night of his life
When the others finally leave, Spot and Race are drunk in love and skip down the street whooping and cheering
Specs and his girl bid farewell on a street corner after a fun night of friendly dance
As Specs, Race, Spot, Davey, and Crutchie head home, Spot and Race are so preoccupied that Specs is the only one who notices that Davey and Crutchie are holding hands...

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