Newsies In IKEA

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Mush decides he REALLY REALLY REALLY needs a state-of-the-art waffle iron and everyone tags along on his shopping excursion because they've heard magical things about IKEA
Mush is actually the only one who stays on task as it takes him four whole hours to choose the perfect waffle iron
Les and Romeo get lost in the food part and end up in a land of lingonberry jellies (they buy a lot once they try the free samples)
Katherine finds an entire section just for pens and pencils and spends forever picking and choosing just the right ones for her writing and Jack's art
Specs is in the kitchen section with Mush, but instead of looking at waffle irons he elects to play with the random and unnecessary kitchen utensils like a contraption that removes the leaves from strawberries along with the bit of stem that grows inside (because we sure can't just USE A KNIFE)
Elmer falls asleep in the bedroom section after realizing that literally no one is around and he could probably sleep there forever
Crutchie, Spot and Davey all end up in the makeup section and convince Davey to let them try the free samples on him, and Spot is actually an amazing makeup artist who transforms Davey into a fabulous Madonna (but no mic this time, Ben, sorry). Crutchie finds the perfume samples and has to spray every single one at them to find out what they smell like
Finch and Race somehow end up in the back storage room and find a HUGE box full of nothing but packing peanuts. You could say they were occupied for quite a long time, at least until they were found and kicked out
Jack says he has one thing he needs to find and when he returns he complains endlessly about not being able to find ANYTHING in the store, however he was successful in finding a cowboy hat

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