Newsies Being Utterly Ridiculous In An Airport

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Everyone's at the airport because they're all going on a trip to Santa Fe- Jack insisted that he at least had to see it and everyone agreed that it sounded pretty fun.
Katherine has been to the airport before and is literally the only reason why they haven't been kicked out- she's also holding about four people's bags
Davey, Les, and Specs have been watching intently as the planes take off from the runway- Les says he wants to make one take off, Davey says that he thinks Les would be a great pilot, and Specs tries to figure out how the plane ever even makes it off the ground (don't we all want to know, Specs?)
Race and Spot end up in the salon and see all the old ladies and immediately go NOPE but then they find the vibrating chairs and Spot falls asleep on one while Race actually gets his toenails painted
It takes forever for Crutchie to get through security because they have to give him a pat down and then the crutch won't fit through the scanner so Jack and Romeo hang out with him while everyone goes to the gate. When the three of them finally get out of security, they discover the moving walkways and end up racing each other on them walking the opposite direction, so they almost miss the plane until Katherine calls Crutchie (Jack never picks up and Romeo broke his phone) and tells them they're boarding so Crutchie gets on Jack's back and they all sprint across the airport
Finch starts out playing solitaire at the gate but that soon escalates to card tricks and then he's flipping cards all over the place and whooping and literally everyone in the general area is watching him because he's REALLY good at card tricks, at least until Mush comes up and grabs the cards and tries to do a trick and ends up throwing the card deck across the waiting area, which makes a huge mess and upsets some old man
Elmer gets lost on the way to the bathroom and finds the body shop, takes a sample of everything and comes back with enough makeup and perfume to last forever. Les lets Davey use it all over him on the plane and ends up looking like a doll

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