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I stand with all eyes glued to me, my hands trembling at my sides. Twenty dishes, maybe even more all destroyed in one try. My eyes, clouded with guilt, look down to the the mess I've made.

"Well, what a waste," Daemon snickers rising from his seat. I hear his shoes clack against the floor slowly heading in my direction. "Twenty glasses cracked, and a whole lot of blood wasted. I do believe this calls for punishment..."

"Daemon, let the butchers deal with her," the Royal woman says. Her words push on me like a cold draft and makes me shiver. My face goes completely pale, the fear that grew inside of me blocked my airway making it hard to breathe.

"No," he replies sternly. "Why bother the butcher? I'll deal with her."


"Dismissed." The Royals simultaneously stand and begin to leave the room, leaving me and Daemon, alone. I awkwardly stayed where the clatter of broken glass lay, as Daemon circles around me like a hawk eyeing a prey. I feel my timid and cautious nature rise from my inner core and spread through out the rest of my body. Tears flood my eyes, and I try to blink them back, but it only causes them to reach the very edge of my eyes making my vision distorted and blurry.

"Quite a mess you've created here," Daemon chuckles. "Stop looking so shaken up, I haven't hurt you, have I?" I can't begin to comprehend why a Royal was talking to me. Whether it was a test or a trick, I wasn't about to fall for it. "What's your name miss?" I ignore him, my eyes not leaving the floor.

Don't give him the satisfaction.

Don't speak to him.

Don't look at him.

"Miss, I do believe I asked you a question," he steps closer his voice a low whisper. "I catch you sneaking small glances at me all the time. Even when your life is on the line. Why?" He's so close to me I could touch my eyelashes to his cheek. "Do you fancy me servant girl? Do you dream about me?" When I don't answer he withdraws, unsatisfied. "Is it that your loyal and follow the rules, you don't understand english, or you've had your tongue cut out?" I stiffen at the last part of the sentence, automatically licking my bottom lip.

"Oh so you can understand English, and you obviously still have your tongue. So your just being a pain in the ass then?" I'm silent. I try to stop myself from shaking under his intense gaze, but with my breath already choked down my throat and tears at the threshold of my eyelids it just wasn't going to happen.

"Here, I'll make you a deal. I'll forget the damage you've caused and sweep it all under the rug if, you meet me in my chambers tonight. Deal?" Honestly I'd rather take my chances with the butcher.


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