Mistakenly Perfect

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I take in a shaky breathe as my sobbing subsides. I can't believe Daemon didn't believe me. After everything we've been through together. As hard as he fought just to get me to look at him, as if it meant nothing. I was much more than hurt now, I was heart broken. Gods that really backfired. Horribly.

Okay yes, I could have come up with a better tactic than running into a room filled with a bunch of people who hate me and blurt out the truth expecting them to believe it. But I was clustered, I had so much info and I couldn't hold it in. Holding it in once cost me Dimitri's life. I wasn't going to take the risk again.

There are no actual jails in the Victorian Mansion, so when I was arrested they simply picked the least important room and handcuffed me to something inside, locking the door. It wasn't bad at first, but after a few hours the handcuffs started digging into my risk, and my body temperature decreased with that of the room. I was literally alone for sure now, locked in my own place of solitude.

Gods I miss Dimitri. He didn't deserve any of this. On one account the Victorians were technically right, I did cause all this, but I wasn't exactly trying to. They came for me, all this time and work for me. Yes, they have done this to other clans, but I'm the reason they targeted this clan next.

But what I didn't understand was why me? What so important about the young servant girl who worked in the Victorian mansion? What gain could Kaden possibly have by focusing all his attention on me? He didn't even recognize me when we first met. That is until he tasted my blood. It couldn't be any actual attraction that drew him near, he didn't even know me. Maybe it was the fact I came back from the dead. But they had come after me way before that.

For now, I guess I just won't think about it. All I'll be doing is straining my brain anyway.

Despite how betrayed I felt I still wanted to help. I didn't just want to save Daemon either, I wanted to save everyone...even Leo. I pulled on my cuffs repeatedly but it was to no avail. I bet these were made from silver. I still hand the butter knife I had threatened Jocelyn with, but I didn't have Ginger. I dropped her a while back, and I can't remember where.

Who knows? Maybe I won't have to worry, maybe the Victorian family will prove stronger than the beast. Maybe they didn't need my help or knowledge.

Suddenly a loud startling bang came out of nowhere followed by screaming victims. I shake rattling my binding desperate to get lose.

They're up there dying right now and I was so helpless. Gods, I'm so sick of being helpless. I rattle my chains with annoyance not caring for the shooting pain that comes to my wrist. Tears fill my eyes to the brink and fall out nonstop. It wasn't all my doing, Kaden was to blame as well. If I needed anyone to blame for anything it would be him.

My heart jumps when I hear the lock click, and the door creek open.

Let it be Daemon!
Let it be Daemon!

It was Leo. He looked a bit beaten up, his AV blood leaking from a gash on his head. He staggered towards me, and I tense when I see he clutches a knife. The only weapon I carried was a dull butter knife that was hidden in my shoe, much to far for me to reach.

He loomed towards me but instead of cutting down on me he went for my cuffs and sliced through them like they were butter and I was instantly free.
I automatically grip my wrist and try to rub away the soreness.

"If what you said was true, and you aren't to blame for this, then help us," he demanded..

I nodded leading him out the door, my eyes shutting close as something bright comes in view of them. Fire. A roaring amount of it, everywhere. I led him to the nearest stairs and we were almost to the landing when a wolf came into sight.

Leo froze behind me, and I had to grab his hand to make him move. The creature didn't even growl, it just stared and let us pass. As soon as I was sure were safe I ran, Leo following behind me. The same thing happened as we passed two other werewolves feasting on some innocent victim's flesh. They completely stopped what they were doing and gaped at us, no anger or emotion present, then let us pass. I noticed the carcass they had been mauling had a cast now emptied of an arm on it....


I could only pray that I wouldn't find Daemon in the same condition.

"Why aren't they attacking you?" Leo yelled over the flames. I don't answer him, not sure myself. He grips my arm and halts me turning me to face him. "You really are the reason they're here aren't you?"

"I didn't mean for this to happen--" he slaps me across the face and I stagger back. "I'm going to find Daemon, if you're smart, you'll find the nearest exit and get out," I rasp turning to begin my search. I didn't have time to deal with ignorance at a moment of peril.
I ran to what was once Daemon's room that was now engulfed in flames, and then to mine. I stopped when I saw something white and plush laying unmarked on the floor. Ginger.

I grabbed her and kept going, feeling as if I'd saved something valuable and worth it. My feet brought me to the once upon a time library barely even standing anymore. Thats when I finally found him, cornered with his sister by a great white wolf. It looked ready to attack, poised to strike, and I quickly stepped ahead putting myself between them.

"No!" I scream. The wolf jumped back startled but didn't back done. It tried its best to get around me, but I blocked them from its attack. The Wolf whined and growled but I was determined and confident that it wouldn't harm them if he had to harm me first. It gave up backing down and we fled away much to the monsters annoyance.

"How did you get free?" Audrey said.

"Your welcome," I snapped at her. "We need to leave before the Mansion caves in," I beckon.

"Mother and father and Leo are still in here. So are Moreau, Alex, and Roman. Our priority is to get them out, we need to save what's last of the Victorian family," Audrey stated. I rolled my eyes and groaned at her stubbornness.

"Moreau, Alex and Roman are all werewolves. Your dad is dead, Leo ditched, and your mom was a bitch to you anyway. Lets go."

I gripped her arm but she snatched her arm from me and went her own direction. I was about to call after her but Daemon stopped me.

"Thank you," he said quick and chaste. I didn't know what else to say, my words caught in my throat chocking on fear and smoke. So I just said the number one thing on my mind.

"You didn't believe me," I uttered looking him in the eye. I turned and ran to catch up with Audrey feeling him follow on my heel. I found her standing completely still in a doorway, her gaze ahead of her and scared. She was probably face to face with a wolf or something...

When I came beside her I looked forward not afraid to see what beast she faced but, upon seeing it I froze, my breathe leaving me in a rush.

It was Erica.

"I thought you said she was dead..." I gasped to Daemon.

"S-she was..." He replied.

"Erica?" Audrey said approaching her slowly.

Her hair looked ragged, her clothes were matted, and her flesh was pale, a grayish hue. She had blood all over her and I was willing to bet it was most definitely her own AV blood.

"Audrey don't go near her!" I warned.

Erica's eyes drifted to us, and they were glowing a bright hazel. Abruptly she growled and jumped out of her own skin, a lightly colored wolf replacing the zombie like girl. It lunged for Audrey. I didn't have time to react, but a figure came out of nowhere and pushed her out the way, allowing the wolf to sink its teeth into him instead.

"Leo!" Daemon went to help but the wolf had him dripping blood by the time he got to him. She didn't act as the other werewolves did, she made no attempt not to hurt me, which makes sense because despite the fur and sharpened teeth and piercing eyes she was still Erica.

"Erica!" A prevail voice dictated. Through the smoke I saw Kaden casually walk towards us, a charcoal wolf and a brown wolf flanking him. James followed behind his eyes like the rest of them glowing hazel through the dark smokey atmosphere. Erica whimpered and backed away, submitting completely and backing down.

Daemon Audrey stood by their unconscious brother. I could feel their eyes burning into me though.

"Seth," Kaden said turning to the brown wolf by his side. It reminded me of the wolf from the gardens that had saved me from James. "Finish them." He ordered stepping towards me, his eyes not leaving mine. The wolf dashes for them and I jump to help, do anything to stop the inevitable, but a strong grip was now clasped over my arm dragging me back.

The last thing I saw was Daemon dark eyes filled with unreadable emotion. Then I blinked and we were outside the mansion, and I had a full view as the house came crashing down, fire swallowing it completely.

Despite the dry air tears drowned my blue eyes as my throat closed and I chocked out a sob. The family was gone, their home was gone, and I'd lost the one Royal I had actually fell for...

*************THE END *************
___________ <3 ____________


So that is it for Simply Difficult! I hope you guys liked the book but aren't happy with the ending because neither am I!!

Instead of making the huge choice of creating a sequel to the book, I decided to leave it up to you guys.

Vote and Comment!!

Tell me if you want another book! Tell me if you liked this one. And if by some miracle a lot of people actually wants to see what happens next, I'll definitely write a sequel.

So Das It For Now Folks!

And quick spoiler alert...

This chapter is called Mistakenly Perfect for a reason. :D

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