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We waited in the dinning room for everyone to arrive. The scenery looked even bleaker than I remembered, and I couldn't help wonder if that was my fault. The dinning table was larger of course to accommodate the extra Royals, and there were twice as many servants, and most of the mortals had been replaced with Royal servants. I guess the eastern clan didn't like mortals.

Mara's determined hazel eyes stayed on Adelle clutching her stolen baby girl. You couldn't use a crowbar to pull her eyes away from the Royal woman. I on the other hand was to busy thoroughly inspecting everyone else. Moreau and Adelle had walked in first. His look has changed from reserved and refined gentleman to serious and brute dominant. He didn't so much as give Adelle a passing glance, and I knew she noticed by the way she continuously leered nervously in his direction. Maybe they were fighting...

Mr. and Mrs.Victorian followed after them looking unchanged. Her with her humanized look and him with his natural Royal look. Mrs.Victorian still had blonde locks flowing behind her and piercing blue eyes replacing her dark irises as a pathetic attempt to resemble the creatures she hates with all her soul, mortals.

Erica walked in with Roman, their hands locked tightly only separating to find their seats. Something about the way she looked at him, with bright admiring eyes made me want to snatch all her bright blonde hair out of her hard head. What bothered me the most wasn't the approving look Erica got from her mother, or the gleeful smile she had on when Roman pulled her seat out for her. It was the way Roman returned her appraising look that made me burn from the inside out and die all over again.

Is it bad I felt a bit of jealously for Roman?

Audrey, Dimitri, and two Royals I didn't recognize followed next. Audrey clutched her arms as if she was traumatized for life, and she probably was. As much as Mara wants to deny it, it was no lie Audrey loved her little daughter. And whether Mara was actually ever her daughter or not, she was real to Audrey, which means the pain she felt from losing her was real, and still fresh.

I could tell Dimitri tried to comfort her, but he seemed obviously distracted. His eyes still wandered, his mind not staying in one place. He was obviously looking for me.

"See what I mean." Mara said to me pointing in Dimitri's direction. "He'll never stop looking for you, ever. He'll be paranoid and on the edge until he's sure you're gone, and it's all because you were just to selfish to let him go."

"Shut the fuck up!" I snap at her, ignoring her true words.

Leonardo followed by Daemon came in last. Leo's face was impassive, but I could sense his unease.

Daemon's face was stern and intimidating, his furrowed brow showing his stubborn nature. I almost missed Jocelyn following boldly behind him, the thought of her being with him for even the smallest of time angered me. From what I had seen of her horrible attitude, she didn't deserve him.

Mara steered me closer to the table, so we could listen on to the conversation that didn't happen. It was as quiet as a graveyard. Only the sound of clattering silverware with plates and the occasional sobs of baby Lilly filled the air.

"Whatever you do, don't let go of my hand," Mara warned.

"Okay." We were so close I could smell the almost raw odor of whatever flesh they were devouring. "Where is Alex?" I murmured more to myself then to Mara.

"I told you, he's barely around the family for the last three days. It's rare when I see him." she informs me almost regrettably.

"Son, have you rethought your decision?" Mrs.Victorian asked, breaking the silence.

"No." Daemon replied, his answer cut short and final.

"Have you even given it any thought?"

"What's there to think about? I don't want her," he stated, his voice arctic cold as his eyes narrowed at Jocelyn.

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