Blood Promise

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Hello readers (if you're still there.)

So these are the final chapters of the book, and each chapter will be published just about every hour or so if not sooner.

So don't forget to comment and vote!

and read away...


I run until my lungs feel like they're on fire. I make it out the maze of hedges and to the stairs when I hear a deafening scream that sounded a lot like Erica's. It was followed by a loud howling cry, mimicked by several other howls.

Oh my gods there are more.

I made it to the safety of the mansion, and ran until I finally collapsed in a hallway. Shaking and sobbing I try to collect my senses and understand what just happened. Where did that thing come from?

I get it now, why they wanted me to be a Royal. To be apart of this family. It was their only option...they were trying to give me off as a daughter to the eastern clan. That's why James spoke of our wedding night, because he new it was going to happen. Mrs.Victorian didn't want me in her family, and this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of me, to keep me from her son, and unite the clans and prevent war. I knew this was all bullshit.

But what was the point of getting me to go into the gardens with James? Was Erica trying to get me raped?

I hold my throbbing neck, blood spewing out nonstop. I could barely get back up, my head refusing to stop spinning. I stumble across the halls, my hands feeling the walls for balance. I so desperately wanted to close my eyes, anything that allowed me to stop moving. But if I do I'll bleed to death, and I really didn't want to die again.

I made my way down the hall ordering my feet to run but only getting a sloppy trudge out of them. Not very much to my luck I couldn't find any servants or Royals idly walking through the halls, so I ran to Daemon's room praying he'd be in there.

When I finally reached the door I could barely turned the knob, and I had to put all my strength to push the door open, thankful to see him. But that wasn't all I saw.

A shirtless Daemon stood next to a half naked Jocelyn.

The scene maid my heart drop to my stomach, and suddenly it wasn't my wound that made me light headed. She was suppose to be in the gardens with Erica, but the lying bitch went to Daemon as soon as I was gone.

"What are you doing here you're suppose to be with-" Jocelyn stops when she sees me clutching my bleeding neck.

"Angel..." Daemon starts as he slowly walks towards me as if I might dash out the room at any second. And gods I really wanted to...but all of a sudden the floor seemed to disappear beneath me, and my eyes refused to stay open sending me into a dark welcoming sleep.


"Get up!" I hear someone bark. My eyes pry open and I wake with a jolt, my body feeling sluggish and feeble. I look around and notice I'm in a small wrought iron bed flagged with identical beds on the side of it. The walls are all white and the lights are dimmed to set a warm calm feeling to the room.

I look to see Roman on the other side of the room abruptly slamming a door shut. He loomed over to me, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes dark with anger. I noticed he had a now healing scratch right across his brow that wasn't there before.

"Where am I?"

"The infirmary," he stated blankly.

"What happened?"

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