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I pretty much decided to avoid Daemon after I kissed him. I couldn't shake the guilt that had weighed down on me. The worst part of it was I wasn't even clear on what I was feeling guilty for.

I thought I had betrayed Seth, but how? We have absolutely nothing but a stolen kiss and a sweet memory. I wasn't attached to him in any way, so why do I feel like such a whore?


I was replacing the sheets with new ones as Daemon stood on the far side of his room leaning against a wall. I knew he was looking at me but I did everything in my power to avoid eye contact with him, an awkward silence hung between us.

His room was beautiful with its large spaciousness and tall ceiling. A rug laid up under my feet and a large chandelier hung above me. The room had a modern flow to it yet an old world charm, the whole design simply screamed spoiled.

"How long are you going to avoid looking at me?" He finally breaks the silence.

"Until you order me to look at you I suppose," I say folding the covers down on the bed.

"Must you be so discreet with me?" He complains. "If anything you should be thanking me."

"What do you want me to thank you for?" I ask in my best submissive voice ever. He rolls his eyes and strolls towards me.

"You went from house servant to personal maid, everything about your life has changed for the better and you don't even seem grateful." He seethed. "It's a shame we never taught you mortals gratitude."

"Grateful! You think I should be grateful?" I snap at him. He blinks in shock on the verge to protest, but I cut him off. "I suppose I should be grateful your family decided to decorate my face with burning ink!" I shout pointing to the symbol around my eye. "Or the fact that they peeled the skin off my fucking arm and tattooed a list of complete bullshit! Or how about the years of labor. Or the fact that I've been violated eight times in the last 24 hours just to be your fucking slave!" Half of me wanted to take back what I said and get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness, but the other made me want to continue without regret.

"And yeah you did forget to teach us about gratitude. You might have forgotten to give us that lesson when you forgot to give us our whole damn education! The only thing you've ever taught me was how to speak english, and how to hold a broom. So thank you for showing me what living in hell is like."

He laughs.

Okay now I don't feel like telling him off, now I just wanna claw his eyeballs out. Is he deaf? How was that at all humorous? I was going to leave but I honestly wanted to know what the hell was so funny.

"That was the most I've ever heard you say." He finally said. "For someone so quiet you sure do have a lot to say."

"You just wanted to hear me talk?"I scoff. He chuckles again and I roll my eyes. "So you don't think I should be grateful?"

"No, I know mortals hate us, and they have every right to." Okay so maybe I don't completely hate him, but I don't trust him either. He could be two faced like his no name cruel doctor.

"So you like mortals?" I say arching a brow.

"I don't like or dislike them...I envy them." I laugh and my eyes reach for the skies yet again.

"What do we have that you immortals don't?"

"A beating heart."


"I think we got off on the wrong foot," he extends his hand to me, a half smile on his face. I take it eyeing him expectantly.

"My name is Daemon Victorian the II." He pauses, waiting for me to respond.

"I'm Angel."

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