In Love and War

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"What are you doing in here!" I bellow.

"To see you of course," he says as he casually cracks his knuckles.

"How did...when did...but.." I stutter, at a lost for words. I look back at the door, and quickly close it. The last thing I want is Daemon walking in. When I turn around Seth is standing right in front of me.

I jump and quickly stumble back until I feel the door against my back.

"What's wrong?"

"You!!" I shout.

"What did I do?" He asked. I sighed, willing my speeding heart to slow down.

"How did you get in here?"

"Through the door," he chuckles like its obvious.

"Why is it when the last time we saw each other you disappeared as soon as the Royals came?"

"I didn't disappear, I left. And I had to! I work in the fields, I'm not suppose to be in the house talking to the pretty servant girl." I roll my eyes at the last part of his explanation.

"Why are you so mysterious?"

"How am I mysterious? I've answered every question you've ever asked me!"

He had a point. He doesn't keep secrets, he's not suspicious he's just Seth, maybe it's just me...

"I'm sorry," I sigh.


"I'm sorry. All you've been is kind and sweet, and...I'm sorry."

"Hm. Apology excepted." He beams a brilliant smile at me, before suddenly jumping on the large four poster canopy bed. As soon as he's away from me I feel colder, almost lonely. I shake the feeling and blink myself back to now.

"Seth!" I whisper loudly at him. "Get off the bed! What if Daemon walks in?"

"Wait, what are you doing in here?" He questions me tossing a pillow up in the air.

"I'm his new personal maid." His eyes meet mine, swarming with confusion, shock...and amusement.


"I don't know he-" l blink and he pulls me on the bed with him. A squeal escapes from me as I realize the horror. This is where he sleeps, and probably fucks...The horrible thought makes me shutter and try to squirm off the bed but Seth pins me beneath him.

"Stop in Seth!" I struggle but he traps my arms above my head.

"If that's the case then we should celebrate your last day of freedom," he whispers close to my ear. I try to scold him but I can't help but giggle at his playfulness.

"What freedom?" I asked. He laughs and I take his distraction to free my hands and push him off of me pinning him beneath me.

"That's foul play!"

"All is fair in love and war."

"Love?" He smirks at me his eyes skimming me over, the gaze leave me a wave a warmth as they travel down. I finally realize I'm sitting astride of him, and the second I shift I realize I'm right on top of his crotch.

His hands grip my thighs and my hands find their way to his chest. My fingers feel how built he is. Once I put my hands on him I can't take them off.

His eyes meet with mine, and then his lips follow too. I titled my head and my curled hair falls away from my face. My arms wrap around his neck and he pulls me even closer. His hand travels up my dress touching and feeling as they go along. The kiss deepens and he pushes his tongue into my mouth.

I'm almost completely lost in his mouth, then out of nowhere he stops. He grips me by shoulder and pushes me away. Then he bucks me off him and I fall on the floor with a loud thud.

"What the hell?" I scream climbing to my feet. But when I look on the bed its empty, and he's gone. I gasp my eyes frantically searching the room, but I'm all alone.

Abruptly the door opens and in walks the owner of the now messy bed.




So I decided to make my chapters short. :( it just seems more dramatic.

But on the bright side I'm most likely going to be updating just about everyday! Maybe once or twice.

So anyway....



I'd luv to hear the predictions out there!!! :P Just to see if anybody can guess the big twist I have coming up!

Even though I know nobody will ever see it coming ^____^

Luv all the supporters! <3

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