The Truth

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I stiffen, a shiver running up my spine. A small gasp escapes my lips as my eyes lock with his.

"There you are," he stands, striding over towards me. I take an hesitant step back, and he notices, eyeing me quizzically. "Calm down," he smirks, chuckling at me. "I'm only here to talk to you."

"Oh, okay...what do you want?" I ask slowly closing the door behind me.

"Remember when you told me about your friend Seth, that nobody else can see?"


"Well I've been thinking on it, and I think I know what's going on with you."


"I think your imagining him."

"What?!? That's not possible! I felt him, seen him, it's not possible."

"Has he touched anything else other than you?" he asked

I was about to argue...but that made me think. He refused to touch the dishes, or hand me the silverware, he refused to remove my necklace...he even said, he couldn't touch it, not wont...cant.

"No one can see him," he continues, "he's disappearing into thin air, no one else can hear him..."


"It might just be your head screwing with you. And i think i know why. I think your mind simply craves freedom and life, a lot of servants have this. It's like after being in a cage too long and finally being free. Your just not use to it, it's too much for you, so your mind is fabricating your want for freedom into a person. When did you first see him?"

I saw him after I destroyed about 20 glasses, and met Daemon for the first time. When I was scared for my life. But I don't tell him that. Now that I think about it, his was always so untamed, ambitious, free. He didn't care about Royals, or duties, or punishments, all he cared about was being with me.

"But when we met, I bumped into him." Come to think of it he's the whole reason my whole life has changed. But could it have been all in my head?

"Did he?" I blink shaking my head. "Think on it," he says turning to leave.

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