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The room was filling slowly as the Royal family and the eastern clan joined into the large conference room. This was the room where I had gotten myself into this mess. Where I'd first spoken to Daemon. The memory seemed like a dream now that I looked back on it. But not much has changed anyway. Daemon is still dark and demanding, and I'm still vulnerable me.

I wasn't worried about ever becoming a Royal anymore. Just about everyone in the room hated me. Half of them wanted me dead, and three fourths of them wanted to kill me. Only about 25% actually cared for me, but that still doesn't tell me what their votes are going to be.

The only seat available to me that wasn't reserved was between Daemon and Alex, who by the way I haven't seen in a while. Mara said after I died he stayed out the house a lot to grieve in private. Where he went I have no idea. But by the way he smiled at me I could tell he was more thrilled than ever to see me alive and breathing.

"Back from the dead again?" He whispered in my ear when I sat.

"I guess so," I whispered back to him.

"What was heaven like?"

"Exactly the opposite of this," I mummer. He snickers shaking his head.

We only waited for Mrs.Victorian to enter now, and soft light conversations filled the room.

"What about you?" I whispered to Alex.

"What about me?"he mimicked me.

"Where have you been lately?"


"I haven't seen you...around." I said mimicking him. "Where do you go?"

"How about I show you?" He said a mischievous grin playing on his face.

I suddenly feel a hard grip on my thigh and I turn to see Daemon eyeing me dangerously. Alex narrowed his eyes at Daemon and withdrew away from me.

"Do I have to supervise your conversations with every Royal you interact with?"

"We were just talking!"

He was about to reply but then Mrs.Victorian came rushing through the doors claiming her reserved seat.

"Alright let the meeting proceed," she announced. "We have several matters to discuss, family wise and government wise."

I looked across the table to see Dimitri rolling his eyes with boredom and I chuckle on the inside at his reaction. I was glad the eastern Royals were considered distant family and since they were here, they would be able to vote too. Suddenly Audrey raised her hand and all eyes were on her.

"Why is there a mortal present?" She said rather distastefully. I frowned at her comment, not understanding why my presence bothered her.

"I was getting to that. If you have not heard, Mr.Victorian and myself have come to a decision to invite this young woman into the Victorian family." All at once there were startled gasps bouncing off the walls. Mr.Victorian even looked shock, as if he had no idea what she was talking about."And we decided to put the decision to a vote. Jocelyn, we'll start with you."

I looked over to Jocelyn who sat next to Mrs.Victorian, and her eyes unexpectedly darted up to meet mine.

"Yes, I'm for it." She concluded.

What? Of all people to vote yes! You'd think she knew if I was immortal I'd have Daemon, and more importantly she wouldn't.

"I am too," Erica said.

What. The. Fuck.

I'm starting to think being immortal is a terrible thing. Why else would Erica AND Jocelyn both want it for me?

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