Bloody Entrée

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"You two know each other?" Daemon said, his eyes dashing from me, and to the doctor, Roman.

"Yes, I actually had to do a background and an IQ test on her for her to be a certified personal maid," Roman detailed as he headed towards his seat, directly across from me.

"Oh so you must know how smart she really is." Erica mused. "Please do enlighten us." Her eyelashes fluttered and all of a sudden her hands couldn't keep out of her hair.

What is he doing here? I thought only members of the family ate at family dinners, then again, they invited me too. Does that mean I'm apart of this family too?

"We'll the only question she really had an answer for was her name and age, and she only got one out of two right." The whole table burst with laughter, and I felt bright red roses blooming on my cheeks.

"What did she get wrong?" Daemon asked.

"Her own age. She said she was 17 but she's actually 16," Roman chuckles. How the hell does he know?

I prayed the floor would suddenly grow teeth and swallow me whole, but I'm left in my seat to simply bare it. How long until this ends?

"As if any of us here remember our actual age," Daemon chimes in. The table erupts with laughter, and I join in glad the topic was no longer my stupidity. I nudge Daemon as a thank you and he smiles knowingly at me.

Another discussion forms, and I faze out of it. I look over to Erica, and she's completely infatuated with Roman, laughing at everything he said, even if it wasn't funny, flipping her hair, and giving him all her attention.

Then I look over to Audrey and Mara, and I almost jump out of my skin to see the little girl staring me down. Poor girl, taken from her family to be raised by someone else. At least her mother Audrey seemed sweet.

Suddenly I feel a warm hand on my leg. I jump at the temperature of his touch. But wait...Royals are cold. His touch suddenly drops several degrees, and I shift in my seat. Did I just imagine the warmth, or was I just reacting to someone's touch like that. The moment the warmths gone, the memory of it felt imaginary so I let it go.

When I bring myself back to reality I realize how far up north his hand has traveled. His hand was now between my legs and skimming over my crotch, and I haven't done a thing about it!

His finger begins to squirm into my panties and my whole body tenses.

Oh my gods...

"Dinner is served," a mortal servant announces, much to my salvation. His hand retreats and my body visually calms.

Thank gods.

About a dozen or more mortal servants bring out trays and trays of food, steam swirling off the dishes. I felt an uneasiness at the thought of my own species slaving over for me and I try to ignore it.

It's just for a day.

"Gods I'm starved!" Alex blurts.

The food in front of me is completely unknown, as well as the thick red drink they were serving me.

"What is this?" I ask Daemon pointing to the tall glass.

"Claret, it's not blood. I told my mother not to serve anything like that to anyone just for you."

"Thank you," I say almost feeling gratitude. Almost. "So what's this?" I ask pointing to my food.

"I have no idea."

Well that's promising. I eye my drink suspiciously, not sure I wanted to take the risk.

"What's wrong mortal? Never had wine before?" Mr.Victorian finally speaks. His voice is deep, and menacing, Sending a chill down my spine.

"No sir, I've never had anything like this."

"Well you never know you won't like it until you try." Huh, he's surprisingly sweet. Despite the authoritative tone in his voice and hard look in his dark eyes he wasn't that bad.

I take a bite of the meat in my plate, and a sip of my um...claret, and it's not that bad. I take another, and another, and I actually think I like it.

"So, Angel I suppose you're very thrilled for replacing Veronica as Daemon's personal maid," Mrs.Victorian prompted.

"Uhh..." I said not knowing how to answer.

"I was actually growing fond of the young lady-"

"No you weren't," Daemon interjects.

"-but now she'a gone," She continues ignoring Daemon. I was on the verge of finishing the last morsel on my plate, barely listening to the Royal woman. "Do you know what happened to her?" I swallow the food in my mouth and meet her gaze.

"Was she demoted to a house servant?"

"We had to kill her."

Every noise stops in the room, and she's drawn everyone's attention to her.

"B-but why?"

"It's very hard to convert a personal maid back to a simple house servant. So we avoid the struggle all together." I listen in disgust to her words. That poor innocent maid...does that mean they'll kill me if I'm replaced? "No need to look so horrified! Her death was to our benefit."

"How?" I ask.

"Dear, what do you think you're eating?"

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