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Once we're at my room, Mara opens the door for me, her small four year old body barely reaching the knob. I run in and crash my head on my pillow willing it to stop my breathing, that way I wouldn't have to think anymore. I was actually starting to hate my life, more than usual. It was so confusing, even I couldn't understand it. I think back to a happier time, were I was just another face in crowd of loyal servants. I didn't know how ordinary I was until

I became something special. I was on the verge of losing my innocence and free will to Daemon, and I'm too afraid to do anything about it. If I made a list of all my questions I'd need a mile long paper! No one is to be trusted, or taken seriously and the truth keeps changing. I don't know what's real or fake anymore.

Sometimes I think Mara is the only one I can trust and actually depend on.

"Any idea why that Royal chased after you?" Mara asked. I groan into my pillow and press my face deeper in. Amazing, just another question to be answered.

"Well you get some rest, I'm going to go see if Audrey realizes I'm gone yet, then I'll do some eavesdropping for you. Okay?" I look up from my pillow and smile, bone tired.

"Thank you," I say my head falling back to the pillow.

"Just meet me in the library in about two hours, okay?"

I nod feeling myself drift away to unconsciousness, and before I know it, I'm happy, smiling, and everything suddenly makes sense. In other words, I'm dreaming.



I make myself seen, and head towards Audrey's room. Just one stop first, then I let her have her precious daughter.

I walk to Roman's office, the door wide open. I quietly stand in the doorway, and much to my displeasure, Roman is not alone. Erica sat on his desk, her legs crossed as she listened to him scold her.

"Why did you vote yes? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You can't tell me what to do!" She snapped turning away from her.

"Oh please, you probably only voted because your mother demanded you to. Why do they want Angel?"

"Baby if I could tell you I would." she said rapping her arms around him. He sighs pushing her away annoyed.

"If you're keeping secrets, then I have nothing left to say to you." he said dismissing her. She sulked out the room, her ego crushed a little bit more. She walked right by me, as if I wasn't even there, and as she leaves I take it as my invitation to enter.

"Mara, long time no see," Roman says without turning to face me. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Cut the shit! I have a bone to pick with you." He groaned and turned looking extremely uninterested in me and tired.

"Can't it wait? You have no idea how hard it is to keep this up."

"You're job is no harder than mine."

"Are you fucking kidding me? All you have to do is pose as a bitchy Royal's daughter. I have to sleep with people! Do you have any idea how terrible these Royal women are in bed?" I roll my eyes at him. He's always been such a complainer. "What's this bone you have to pick with me?"

"You're suppose to be stopping Angel from sleeping with Daemon first! Instead you've been keeping her from Seth." I complain.

"I haven't done anything!"

"Don't give me that crap, you told her Seth was her imagination! You're going to drive her crazy!"

"So what? Seth doesn't deserve her anyway." he whines like a child. God, he can be so deceptive sometimes. I can barely tell who's side he's on anymore.

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