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I tossed and turned in my bed trying to get sleep, but it was nearly impossible. The howl of that wolf kept roaming through my head. Why would James have lied to everyone? What was the gain from that? Now Erica is missing and no one had any leads. Not that I feel bad for the bitch, its pretty much what she gets...

But still with that beast still running around the mansion and no one knowing it, everyone here is in danger. How could I possibly sleep with that on my mind? With my body still burning from being poked all over by Dimitri, and my ears still haunted with the sound of a wolf's cry I scuffled out of bed. There was no point in laying around doing nothing. I couldn't exactly bore myself to sleep.

I slip one of my lace dresses on and tie my hair up into a pony tail. Sliding on the first ballet flats I could find I went for the door. I swung it open and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Alex there leaning against the door henge waiting for me.

"Oh good, you're already dressed."
"Where are we going?" I whispered as he tugged me silently down stairs.

"You asked me where I run off I'm showing you."

I know I shouldn't be trusting Royals, it's a lesson I've had to learn the hard way. Even Daemon showed true to his real Royal nature and betrayed my trust. Even though I hate to admit it, I haven't been very loyal to him with my love hexagon going on, but at least I had the humility to admit that what I've been doing is wrong. Trusting Royals was a gambol, and so far the only Royals who were worth taking the risk with was Dimitri and Moreau.

What had compelled me to follow him without hesitation was the fact that he was practically dragging me through the halls, his hard grip unyielding and clasped in my wrist...

And it didn't burn at all.

I remember when Audrey and Dimitri had treated me and taken me out to the city, and Alex had to tag along. That's when I felt his flesh turn a welcoming warming temperature. All this time I had convinced myself that it was a defect, like Moreau's hair and eye color and Dimitri's complete memory lost. But now I'm just not sure anymore. The thing that definitely made me go with him was my curiosity.

Alex was warm, but not burning. I didn't understand. The curse clearly included all Royals. So either the blood promise has been broken somehow, or he isn't a Royal.

He lead me out the door and into the darkness of the night. I saw two bright familiar lights approach as his car parked in front of us. The window rolled down revealing one of the Royals from the eastern clan. I recognized him immediately. He was there when the family meeting took place, and had voted for me to not become a Royal. I believe he was Jocelyn's eldest brother.

"What you got there?" He chuckled, his voice ringing with an accent much like Moreau's. He was most likely not related by blood to his sister or brother, Jocelyn and James. He had dirty blonde hair, the colors of it reminding me of a dying autumn. And much to my wonder his eyes were a piercing hazel. Like Seth's, Mara's, Roman's and Alex's eyes. There was no way that it was coincidental.

"Just a tag along," Alex shrugged. He pulled me to the passenger door, and opened it for me, pushing me inside.

I slide in and quickly put my seatbelt on feeling awkward that Alex made me sit up front with a stranger. The car begins to move and I inch away until I'm pressed to the door.

"What's wrong baby doll, I won't bite," he chuckled almost sounding sincere as he met my eyes in the rear view mirror. He was smirking at me, a look that made his face all to beautiful, but I knew better than to give into the beauty of a Royal. "Who is she?" He said looking back at Alex, his voice suddenly stern, strict, and demanding.

"I was at the Family meeting," I interrupt .

"I know who you are, Angel. But I'm wondering who you are to me." I tried to make sense of what he said but I honestly couldn't.

"S-she's just some servant girl, no one," Alex assures.

"Oh really?" He said unconvinced as he arched his eyebrow. "Reach into the glove compartment," he instructed. I did as he ordered feeling compelled to, and all I found was a black blade casing, and by the weight of it I could tell the blade was most definitely inside. I hand it to him, and instead of taking the whole thing he withdraws it from it's case and slashes it across my thigh. It only made a tiny cut, but the suddenness made me squeal.

He then brought the blade to his lips, a drop of my blood coating it and licked it. I shivered as I watched the red liquid touch his tongue. All of a sudden his eyes widen and he stomps on the brakes, causing me and Alex to lunge forward.

"Of all mortals to bring with you, you bring her!?" He raged.

"If anything this is a gain for you...she's desperate. Look at her hand."

His eyes dart from Alex to my hand and he blinks shocked.

"Roman..." He growled his eyes narrowing. "Fine," he sighed stepping on the gas.

I blinked confused, trying to keep the small gash on my leg from bleeding out.

"What do you mean I'm desperate? And what do you know about my curse?" They both stay silent, ignoring me and my rage starts to boil. "Why did you cut me? And where are we going?" I demanded answers but yet got nothing. He simply accelerated on the gas and kept his eyes on the road while Alex sat back quiet. "You can't just if ignore me! Answer my questions!" Alex reached up between our two chairs and turned on the radio.

Well fuck this...

"Fine!" I call over the radio. I shift in my chair and they both eye me quizzically. I then pull my car door open, and passing wind gushes in from the car's speed adding more noise to the already loud vehicle.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Alex yelled.

"Pull over, or I'll jump out!"

"You crazy bitch! You're bluffing! Close the damn door!"

If I wasn't getting answers then there was no way I'm staying. I simply refuse to wing another situation. I've already hit an all time record of almost getting raped twice in one day and I wasn't going to try to top myself. So with that I unstrapped my seatbelt readying myself to lunge out the moving vehicle. Then abruptly the car screeches to a halt once again and I hop out, thankfully not having to tuck and roll. I run in no general direction, just away.

I hear Alex call after me but his voice fades as I run off the road and into a more wilderness area. Then a thought hits me.

I'm free.

I could keep going, and never turn back. Not having to worry about my own arrange marriage or my soul being taken away. Not having to mind my curse or a monster lurking around the mansion. All I would have to mind was me.

But what about Seth, and Daemon...and Mara? Or Dimitri, or my new teddy bear Ginger...I'd be running away from a life.

But I don't get to make the decision as I bump into something hard, and warm hands clasp my shoulders preventing me from moving.

"Let go Alex!" I scream, punching him with all I had, but winding up just hurting myself.

"I'm not Alex, and quit fighting me," he said sternly. Dammit, he's warm too.

"No!" I fuss.

"Come back to the car dammit!"

"No!" He suddenly lifts me over his shoulder and carries me back, and I stop fighting knowing its pointless now.

"Got her," he said to Alex as he opened the back car door. "Get behind the wheel he ordered. Alex bounces in the front seat, and I kick and scream as he tries to get me into the back one. He finally shoved me in and I went for the other door. Barely reaching the handle before he dragged me back and pinned me to the seat cushion sitting astride of me.

"Drive already!" He yelled to Alex.

The car accelerated forward and he stayed completely still keeping me immobile beneath him. I immediately tense aware of a stronger than me Royal (or whatever the hell he is) crushing me underneath him. He had both my hands clasped tightly in one of his and I bent my knees trying relentlessly to buck him off. Oh gods I can feel his man hood on my crotch.

"Don't flatter yourself," he scoffed reading my worried facial expression. "I don't take woman unwillingly...not that I'd consider you."

"Your boner says other wise," I shot back. As if I'd know what a boner felt like. None the less his jaw clenched, and I could barely just see him blush in the dark. I giggle at his reaction and he sneers at me, only half smiling.

"How long until we get there?" He called to Alex, his eyes never leaving mine.

"About an hour."

"Where are we--" I begin to ask but his hand comes down on my mouth silencing me.
I stretch my limbs waking out from the long claustrophobic car ride. We'd parked in front of a large in width crowded building on a corner of a street. I could hear loud music from inside the place, every beat shaking the area. There were flashing lights and people lined up outside it behind a red rope, anticipation leaking off of them.

"Where are we?" I ask for the third time.

"You need to stop questioning your life and start living it," he says to me.

"You need to stop telling me what to do," I say stomping pass him. We walked up to a large man in dark clothing, his eyes a hazel color shaded with intimidation. But the second his eyes fell upon Mr.bossy he jumped to open the door for us.

I expected to see dark clothing accompanied by corsets, and unnatural hair colors and eye shades of the rainbow, but I didn't. Everyone here, from the people sweating and panting as they danced to the music to the people stumbling over with drinks still clutched in hand, everyone one looked mortal.

There was a mixture of assorted scents in the air from hundreds of perfume odors to a strange rotten grape smell that I couldn't pinpoint.

"It's beer," Mr.bossy said. "What you're smelling, it's beer. Stay by me," he instructed. He began to walk through and the crowd quickly parted for him. I began to follow him, but I notice Alex walking a different direction, so I follow him instead. At least he isn't a stranger.

He stops at the bar and plops on a stool, and I scurry to sit next to him. He looks at me curiously pointing a finger at me.

"I thought you were with-"

"What can I get for you?" A blonde says from across the countertop. She examines Alex's face and her posture straightens as she flips her hair, giving him a flirtatious smile. Funny, she kind of reminds me of Erica...poor, missing, Erica.

"Give me the strongest shit you got back there," he said winking at her. She nearly melts out of her skin at the small gesture, actually having to fan herself while bitting her lip. "What do you want Angel?" Alex said, his attention going all to me. Her eyes burn wholes into me as they narrow going from lust to pure untamed jealousy.

"Uhhh...." I reply to him.

"She'll have what I'm having," he said dismissing her. She reluctantly left, much to my pleasure. But a moment later she rushes back with small glasses and quickly sets them aside for us, then she leans on the bar close to Alex giving him a view of her small cleavage and all her attention.

She should be careful, I thought. Blondes go missing in these parts.

"I thought I told you to stick by me," Mr.bossy says coming up behind me.

"I thought I told you not to tell me what to do." He smirks at me, picking up the bottle of liquid the bartender brought to us, his eyes only leaving mine to examine it.

"Do you know what this is?" He chuckled tapping the bottle with his finger.


"Then why don't we get you a drink of it then." He grabs the glass and pops the bottles' quark off with his teeth. He swiftly pours it and offers it to me, his mocking smile serving as an insult and a warning.

"I'm not drinking that, it's probably poison." He roles eyes and takes a sip of it to convince me, then he offers it again. "You've drunken out of it already, I don't want it now.'

"Drink it, Angel."

I sigh snatching the glass from him and quickly chug it down not wanting to taste it. Bad idea. It burned on the way down and as it dropped in my stomach a warm tinging sensation vibrated through me numbing my most annoying senses. It had a strong sweet dreamy taste to it that made my tongue crave more. The moment it was completely swallowed my mouth felt like a barren tundra, and I desperately needed to quench it. It was like liquid gold.

"Mmhhmm..." I hummed relishing in the feeling.

"Here," he beckoned. "Why don't we get you some more."

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