One Day at A Time

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"How long has it been?"

"A couple weeks."

"Do you know the exact-"

"Three weeks and four days."

"That's excellent, Dean."

Dean Winchester dropped his eyes from the solemn eyes looking up at him with hope brimming from their depths. He took a shaking breath and shrugged. The meetings had started about five or six weeks ago when he found himself behind bars for drunken disorderly.

"Does anyone have anything to say about Dean's three weeks sober?" The guy running it, Chip is his name maybe, had the fakest plastered smile Dean had ever seen before. It was a lie to think anyone was happy to be here. The point that they were all unhappy was the reason they were there in the first place. They needed to change to adapt and keep living.

A delicate hand rose from the back. Deloris, the older woman who took up drinking when her husband died until she realized one day it had become a nasty habit, was always the kindest soul to appear at the meetings Dean had been to. She stood up from her chair a little uneasy before she stared directly into Dean's eyes.

"I would like to say that you should be proud of yourself. I believe that you will make it far in your sobriety but you need to have faith in yourself for it to happen." Deloris gave him a serene smile full of hope for a brighter future. "Do you have anyone waiting for you at home?"

Dean nodded with a small warm smile that couldn't help slip across his lips at the thought of his husband.

"What do you think they think of your sobriety?"

"Uh-" Dean's eyes wanted to find another spot in the room from the intense eyes Deloris was imploring him with but he couldn't find the strength. Instead he sucked in a breath and let it out. "Cas has been my best friend since we were youngsters on the playground. He was there when my father died from his heart attack. He was there when my brother left for school. I mean, really, he was there for every major heartbreaking moment of my life. He's been there when I wake up from a blacked out night on the doorstep to our home. He's put up with how idiotic I get when I'm drunk. I've even talked about killing myself to him when I was drunk.

"And yet... after seven years of marriage he hasn't left. Never once did he pick up his bags and go back to his old life. Every time I fell he'd pick me up and dust me off. I always have a warm bed to fall into after a rough night and I know that it is more than I ever deserved. When I went to jail... he was the first person I called. I was crying to him over the phone and he told me to hang tight and that he would come get me as soon as he could. Few hours later I was sobbing in his arms. It wasn't until that moment that I realized I had a problem. I could feel him shaking fear that he might not have gotten me out of jail and it broke my heart. So I threw out my liquor cabinet and picked up crocheting with my husband. I stopped going out to bars and started coming here.

"You ask me what I think he thinks of my sobriety? I don't know exactly, how could I? But every time I come home from work at a respectable hour, without a trace of alcohol in my system, I see the way he smiles at me. He looks at me like I am worth something awesome. I hadn't seen him look at me like that in years. And that's what keeps me fighting." Dean took a large breath at the end of his speech. Usually he was quiet during these meetings, no one really knew his story until that moment.

Deloris' smile widened. "You have hope, son. You're gonna make it."

A few claps rang out as Dean took his seat. The meeting carried on like it did every other night but this night was different. In the back of Dean's head he kept replaying what Deloris had said over and over again. He was gonna make it.


"Honey, I'm home!" Dean shouted through the house as he shrugged off his jacket and started to toe out of his boots. "You wouldn't believe this meeting tonight. I finally did it and told everyone my story! It was so epic and Deloris-" Dean's voice died out when he took in his surroundings. It was completely dark in the house, which wasn't usual. Also Castiel hadn't called back to him which was again so out of the ordinary Dean started to worry.

"Babe?" Dean took a step forward so he was in the doorway to the living room.

All at once screams were let out and the lights flicked on to silhouette all their friends and family huddled together with enormous smiles erupting from their faces. Dean's breath caught in his throat. Whose birthday was it? Then his eyes shifted and he saw the banner. His heart stopped.

"I thought you deserved it." Cas appeared through a crowd of people to stand before Dean with flushed cheeks and a loving smile. "Three weeks is a long time. I don't even think I could go without tea for three-"

The rest of the words were swallowed by Dean as he gripped tightly to his husband and kissed him until they were both breathless. Cheers rang out just before there was a bustle and music being turned on. Dean pulled back to smile into the same blue eyes he had drowned in every day since their first kiss. Cas simply melted into his arms with a simple contented smile.

"I'm glad your meeting went well."

"I just-why?" Dean let his eyes roam to see a few people hold up soda cans and wink at him.

"I know how hard you've been working at this. I don't say it enough but I am so proud of you. I decided that a lot of your friends hang out at bars and you haven't seen them lately. So Charlie, Jo, Benny, and I decided to have this party for you. We are all so proud, Dean." Cas punctuated that statement with a sweetly chaste kiss.

Dean couldn't help the tears starting to swallow his vision. "I can't believe how lucky I am, Cas. I love you so much sometimes I don't know what I would do without you."

"I love you, too." Cas hugged Dean a little closer. "Here's to being sober for a very very long time."

"I'll drink to that." Dean chuckled when he received a questioning look from his husband. "Soda, of course."

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