Bunker Days

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"I swear to God." Sam groaned as he grabbed his laptop and stood from the living room couch. "I can not watch another one of these awful episodes."

"Hey, Game of Thrones is awesome." Dean smirked at his brother smugly. "I am sorry it isn't Desperate Housewives or whatever crap you watch."

Sam gave Dean an award winning bitch face before huffing loudly and storming out toward his bedroom. Dean chuckled lightly at his brother's adolescent behavior but soon turned to stare intently at the fallen angel perched up on the other end of the couch.

Castiel peered over at Dean coyly with a pink flush of his cheeks. "I like Game of Thrones, Dean."

"I bet you do, angel." Dean smirked an patted a spot on the couch closer to himself. Not even needing to ask, Castiel quickly shuffled over and melted into the crook of Dean's side. Dean ran his fingers through the dark matt of hair now resting against his neck. "Cas, baby, I don't think I can concentrate with you this close."

Cas tilted his head up and met Dean's eyes with a lust that made Dean's whole body shudder. "Then don't." The angel licked his lips and pounced on Dean's lap before the hunter had time to think. Hips almost painfully pressed into his as Cas' lips attacked his mouth.

"God, Cas, slow down." The words were muffled in the heat of smashing lips but Dean didn't really mean it. He loved when Cas got crazy and dominant. He loved having Cas pounce on him and take control like this. The heat of this moment was uncontrollable and sent Dean right into a mindless mush.

"Do you really want me to slow down, Dean?" Cas teased as he bit down on Dean's lower lip and grazed his fingernails down the hunter's chest.

Dean squirmed under the touch and groaned lightly. "No." His teeth clenched as Cas' mouth brushed past his cheek and started to nibble on the upper part of his neck. Instantly Dean felt his hips buck a little.

The angel gripped Dean's hips and kept him in place. "Anxious?" Castiel smirked against Dean's skin and rolled his own hips, making sure to go nice and slow to drive Dean crazy. "Not here, love. Sam is in the other room and Kevin should be back from the library soon."

"Dammit, Cas." Dean wound his fingers into Cas' hair and pulled their mouths together in a desperate move to be closer. "I want you."

The front door opening broke their heated embrace sending Cas flopping to the side and sitting on the couch without touching Dean. They bother caught their breath and fixed their shirts as Kevin waltzed in carrying a thick book under his arm. He stopped in the middle of the room and inspected the two carefully.

"Where's Sam?"

"Bedroom." Castiel said simply and cleared his throat when he heard the roughness of it.

Dean smirked, amused that Cas was still talking in his sexy voice. "Yeah, we are watching Game of Thrones and princess couldn't take anymore of the sex and violence."

Kevin glanced over at the TV with a frown. "That show sucks."

"How dare you." Dean puffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Did either one of you do the dishes?" Kevin turned back to the two and raised an eyebrow. "Or clean the bathrooms?"

"We are hunters. Do we look like maids to you?"

Kevin gave Dean a cool glare. "And I am a prophet. I am not getting stuck with chores every fucking week. Do them, or so help me God I will prophesize you getting hit by a bus."

"I will do the dishes, Kevin." Castiel stood and gave Kevin a reassuring smile. "I don't mind."

"Angel of the Lord scrubbing our dishes?" Dean howled with laughter.

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