Purgatory: The Gay Bar

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Prompt from anon: Cas sees Dean bloody Winchester at a gay club? What in the world is the school's "lady man" doing here?? and why is he wearing cowboy getup?


“Purgatory?” Castiel lifted his eyes up and read the neon lights again over and over in his mind. It sounded like the worst name in the world for a gay bar.

“I swear, it is bitchin’.” His best friend Balthazar grinned from ear to ear and already winked at a few attractive guys making their way past the bouncer. “It is the best place to get you out of your guy slumber.”

“I am not in a slumber.” Cas muttered as he let his eyes fall to the concrete and fumbled with his hands. “And I definitely don’t need to go into a place called ‘Purgatory’.”

Balthazar rolled his eyes and clapped a hand to Cas’ shoulder. “If you don’t have a good time in there, then you can sit me down and make me watch Titanic for an entire day straight.”

Chuckling, Cas looked up at his dear friend with a slight tilt of his head. “Seriously?”

“Seriously. That is how confident I am that you will go in there and have a good time. This isn’t school, Cassie, this is a gay bar. Where our kind can roam free without the restraints of a still semi-homophobic society. Let loose. No one is going to bully you. And if they do, you have an entire club full of guys who will defend you. Please humor me and have a good time? For me?”

Cas stared into the eyes that had comforted him through so many fights and altercations. It was Balthazar who had been his truest friend and never steered him wrong. Balthazar was always trying to break Cas of his shell and for one night, Cas said to hell with it. He would have fun even if it killed him.

“Alright, you win.”

Balthazar grinned from ear to ear mischievously and started to lead his friend toward the entrance. Even though there was a line of men waiting, the bouncer ushered them in right away. That is when Cas was almost shocked as to how Balthazar, a senior in high school, was being shown such special treatment at a down town gay bar. Cas held the question in for later, when he knew Balthazar would give him the full details.

The music is what first made Castiel rethink his agreement to come in here. It was so loud that his eardrums were pulsing and going numb. But the beat had his heart pounding. The atmosphere wasn’t unpleasant, on the other hand it was almost nice. There was a distinct smell of men, alcohol, and something fruity that made Cas’ eyes water a little. He had never experienced anything quite like it.

His friend easily maneuvered them around dancing men with gleeful smiles and drinks that held the alcohol Cas was too scared to try. Laughter is what really struck Cas. The room was exploding with this energy that had his knees itching and his hands pinching at his jeans. The way all the men just swayed to the music in the same fluid motions. And Balthazar knew exactly where to step and who to smile at. This was a community, Cas realized suddenly, and he was a newcomer.

When they finally reached a spot towards the back where Balthazar waved over a man wearing a sombrero and holding a margarita, Cas had thought he had seen it all. But that was when he noticed well over half the men in the bar were wearing costumes. It wasn’t Halloween, not even close. Cas watched carefully as Balthazar whispered into the man’s ear before the man shuffled off while raising his glass and swaying his hips to the music. Castiel was enthralled.

“You doing okay?” Balthazar turned back and eyed Cas over protectively. A lot was said about Balthazar, but he was honest to God a great and caring friend.

Cas nodded. “This place is… amazing, Balth. Just…. Amazing.”

Balthazar sent him an award winning smile and nodded proudly. “Yeah, it’s alright. I told you you would like it. I got that guy to get us a couple drinks. Don’t worry about being carded, it’s cool. You like the music?”

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