Monsters Under the Bed

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Castiel watched from his perch on the porch as his husband and daughter giggled as they played tag. Both their bodies shook with restrained laughter when they caught the other one. It felt like years since he took the time to simply watch his family.

A small hand worms its way against his palm. His eyes are drawn down to see his son standing beside him with bare feet and his blanket curled around his bent arm.

"'M tiwed, dad." Robert Jonathon whispered through a yawn.

Castiel knelt down, ignoring the cracks and pops in his knees, to scoop his son against his chest. "Let's get you to bed then."

"But I wanna play wif daddy an' Mawy." Bobby nestled his head against his father's shoulder. "Don' wanna miss anythin'."

"Tomorrow you'll be able to run around with daddy and Mary all day." Cas promised as he stood up, still ignoring the small aches in his back, and cast his eyes over their backyard. "You need rest, Bobby."

"Fwine." Bobby grunted out before twisting his body so that he can see his other father. "Daddy! Bed twime!"

Dean's head shot up from where he was hiding behind a tree. Green eyes fell on the two of them on the porch. "Alright! I'll be right-"

"Gotcha!" Mary squealed with delight as she punched her father's leg. "You're it!"

"You little-" Dean shot his arm out in hopes of snagging the young girl but she was off like a light through the yard, maniacal laughter following her footsteps.

Castiel pressed a quick kiss to the top of Bobby's head before turning and entering the warmth of his home. His eyes glossed over at the weight on his hip and the smell of homemade cookies now filling his lungs. Just like a man walking through routine, his feet took him through their hallways towards the blue room covered in large car stickers.

When Bobby's eyes peeled open and he found himself in his own room, he quickly wriggled out of Cas' hold and started his slow trek toward his bed. Castiel couldn't help but smile offhand at the slight drag of his blanket on the carpet.

"Tomorrow can I go for a ride in Baby?" Bobby asked around a yawn as he curled up in his comforter and pressed his little face into his pillow. His eyes were shut as he awaited the answer.

"I think daddy was planning on taking you and Mary to the zoo." Cas stayed at his spot leaning against the doorframe. "I'm sure he'll take you in the Impala if you ask nicely."

"Awesome." Bobby smile through another yawn. "'M gonna wowk on caws just like daddy when I gwow up."

"I know." Cas couldn't help the swell of pride inside his chest. "Goodnight, Bobby."

"'Night, dad. Love you."

"I love you, too." Castiel didn't know if his son heard him, since his eyes were already shut and his body was falling and lifting in the slumber of sleep.

"I love you, three." Dean's voice purred against Cas' neck just before a warm chest pressed against his back.

Castiel couldn't keep the single tear from slipping down his cheek when warm arms wrapped around his waist. The two men gazed upon their son with the knowledge that they were finally happy in life. Just as the two of them were turning to head down toward the living room, Mary peaked her head out of her own room.


"Yes, sweetie?" Cas paused with his hand lightly pressed against Dean's chest.

"Can you tuck me in? Check for the monsters under my bed?" Mary seemed to draw herself into a small ball as she asked in her most timid voice.

"Doesn't daddy usually check?" Cas glanced up to see Dean smiling warmly down at him.

"Yeah, but I want you tonight." Mary glanced up and smiled softly. "Please?"

"Alright. Get into bed and I'll be there in a minute." Cas watched his daughter retreat before turning a curious look up at his husband. "Why does she want me to check under her bed? She usually asks you."

"Well-" Dean pressed his lips to Cas' forehead as he wrapped him up in a loving hug. "-I told her that you had fought greater foes in your life than I have. I told her you used to be a warrior and the first time we met I was scared of you."

Castiel shook his head with a far-off smile at the memories flooding back. "It's been years since I ever picked up an angel blade, Dean. I am not a warrior anymore."

"No, I guess you're not." Dean grinned with a twinkle in his eyes. "But you're still my Angel of the Lord, no matter how domesticated you've gotten."

"And you're still my Righteous Man." Cas sealed the promise with a kiss before a throat clearing had him pulling back.

"Seriously?" Mary huffed out with her arms crossed over her chest. "While you two are smackin' lips the monsters could've gotten me!"

Dean snorted and tried to bury his laughter against Cas' neck.

Castiel met his daughter's eyes with a fierceness that he once used when staring down demons and angels alike. "Monsters will never come close you, Mary. I will never allow it."

Mary's lips turned up. "Good. Then come check my room. I'd like to get to sleep some time tonight."

When her head disappeared back into her room Dean chuckled again. "She's your daughter."

"She is most certainly a Winchester." And Castiel wouldn't have it any other way.

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