Meeting His Brothers

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"You must be the infamous Dean Winchester."

"He must be, I mean look at those dazzling eyes. They are just as Cassie described them."

"So, Dean-O, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Dean's eyes widened a little as his heart started to falter in its perpetual beats. When Cas had asked him to run over to his favorite coffee shop for some lattes, Dean had no idea that he would be running into his boyfriend's two older brothers. The same brothers who had never met him before, and were known from stories to be insanely protective over their younger brother.

The shorter one, with eyes that seemed to golden to be human, clicked his tongue and waved his hand over Dean's eyes with a snarky grin. "Earth to Winchester."

Reality came back to Dean as he cleared his throat and met their eyes. "Sorry, uh, hello. You two must be Gabriel and Gadreel." He remembered back to when Castiel had giggled over the fact that his father had named them after angels. Now, though, feeling like he was being scrutinized over by the two brothers, Dean thought he was most certainly not in the presence of angels.

The taller one smiled warmly and nodded. "I am Gadreel, this pill is Gabriel."

Gabriel rolled his eyes but didn't take them off of Dean's for a second. "So, Ken Doll, it's nice to finally meeting you after months of you courting our brother. He said you were hesitant to meet us."

Dean flushed and cleared his throat. He wasn't one to be embarrassed of frightened easily, but he had never met the family of anyone he was dating before, and he couldn't help but became weak kneed at the thought of them disapproving of him.

"Of course he was, look at him, if I didn't know better I would think he was a mute." Gadreel tilted his head and squinted. "We aren't going to bite."

"Not hard, anyway." Gabriel grinned cheekily and winked. "From all that we have heard of you, Cassie says you never shut up."

Again Dean felt like his face was exploding with color. "Uh, sorry-"

"All that he ever says is 'sorry'." Gabriel sighed. "Dean, look, we really aren't here to hurt you. We just, well, last time Cassie was in a relationship this long... it ended with some bloodshed. The poor guy was beaten. He told you that?"

Dean nodded as his chest cramped. "He told me everything."

Gadreel nodded, his eyes glazing over a bit as his jaw clenched. "If anyone hurt our little brother again, I will kill them. Slow and painful. Understand?"

Dean nodded again, words were failing him.

"What's his favorite flower?" Gabriel took a step forward and invaded Dean's personal space. Their eyes locked and Dean gulped under the pressure.

"Blue hydrangeas."

"Favorite type of chocolate? This is important, Dean."

"He likes the ones with the caramel inside, but only from the shop over on Main Street with the dog on the front of it." The answers came easy, which made the interrogation a little easier.

Gabriel smirked at that and seemed to lean back just the slightest. "Favorite movie?"

"Breakfast Club."

"Favorite book?"

"Little Women."

"This is the most important question, Dean. If you fuck this up, you will never see Castiel again." This time it was Gadreel's voice that spoke.

Gabriel stepped back beside his brother. Dean searched both of their eyes as he felt the world come crashing down. His mind swim at speeds that was leaving him seasick. A million questions ran through his mind, because no matter what he couldn't lose Cas. He couldn't lose the blue eyes angel who was waiting for him at his apartment.

"Ready?" Gabriel's grin melted for the first time since Dean had walked in.

Dean nodded, feeling a lump form in the back of his throat.

"I know you have only been dating for a couple months." Gadreel met Dean's gaze. "I know that our brother isn't the easiest to be around, he has his faults. God knows I love him, but he is impossible sometimes. Our final question is, do you love him? And if you don't, I understand because-"

"Of course I love him." Dean cut him off as the words felt like vomit just spilling from his lips.

Gabriel snorted and shoved Gadreel's arm. "Told you he loved him."

Gadreel narrowed his eyes at Dean a moment. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I love Cas more than I love anyone else in this world." Dean felt a new power and confidence flow over him. "I didn't want to meet you two, because I didn't think you would approve of me. I have little to offer, my life is pathetic. I knew that if you hated me then Castiel would leave me. He would listen to you two, and he would leave me. I couldn't-I didn't want that to happen."

"Oh, Dean-O, we liked you the moment you walked in here with your cute puppy dog eyes and your little bow in your legs." Gabriel stepped forward and yanked the breath from Dean as he pulled him into a bonecrushing hug. "Course, that doesn't mean that if you hurt Cassie that we won't decapitate your ass and throw your body in a ditch."

Dean chuckled, suddenly not feeling so nervous around the short bear hugging the air out of him. "I understand, and if I do, you have permission to do so."

Gadreel sighed and shook his head. "Alright, Gabe, get your meaty little hands off of Cas' boy toy." His eyes met Dean's warmly. "How about tonight we come over and have dinner together? Cas says you cook mean sloppy joes."

"That would be great." Dean grinned from ear to ear as Gabriel let up his hold. "I think Cas and I would really enjoy that."

Before Gabriel stepped back completely he gripped tightly to Dean's arms and seriousness laced his eyes. "Dean, you better treat my little bro right. I am serious. I may look like a small man, but I will fucking tear you to pieces."

"Okay, tiger, cool off." Gadreel chuckled as he pulled Gabriel away from Dean. "We will be over later, make sure to let Cas know that we approve."

"I will." Dean watched as the two of them stumbled and hit each other playfully as they made their way out of the café. Only when they disappeared from sight did Dean let out the breath he had been holding the entire time.

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