Comic Con (Smut)

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Comic Con prompt where Dean and Cas meet in costume. Also, they wanted some smut. SO….. if you don’t like dirty details, skip this story. Fair warning. It wasn’t specified what costume, so I paid homage to Dean’s love of Batman. Hope you enjoy.


“You look ridiculous.” Sam eyed over Dean’s costume and rolled his eyes. “When we get there, I am not walking anywhere near you.”

“Shut up, Sammy. I look awesome.” Dean stared at himself in the mirror. When he heard Comic Con was coming only an hour from Lawrence, he had went out and bought himself a batman costume. He was eighteen but the comic book nerd in him had been looking forward to this since he first discovered the Dark Knight. Now, under the mask, his eyes lit up like they hadn’t for months.

“You are lucky dad is out of town for a conference, he would flip shit if he saw his grown son in costume.” Sam stood and started for the door.

“Dad can go fuck himself.” Dean snapped. His father was always against Dean’s fascination in comics. What Dean didn’t tell his father, was that it was because he never had a father figure. Batman was who Dean idolized and strived to be like. Many nights alone Dean wished Batman would come and save him from his miserable life.

As they walked out to the impala, Dean envisioned his baby as the Batmobile. He found himself grinning profusely at the thought and fell in love with his new found identity. Dean secretly hoped to find some more Batman enthusiasts to hang out with. No one around here was cool enough to read comics, let alone talk about them.


“Holy shit.” Dean whispered as they entered the giant building. Millions of nerds swammed around them. The whole place was lit just by the hopes and dreams of all these people. It was intoxicating to Dean. He spotted so many cool costumes that soon he felt inadequate. But when he saw people point and wave to him, it lightened him. Everyone was here for a good time, no judgements.

“Alright, I heard Benedict Cumberbatch is going to be here. I am going to get in that line.” Sam grinned, letting his Sherlock nerd show. “Text me.” And with that, he was lost in the crowd.

Dean stood alone and almost frightened. But the natural high that pumped through his veins made his feet move. He pushed past cosplayers and average nerds alike. He was even stopped by a young boy who wanted his picture with Batman. Dean grinned widely as he highfived the kid and smiled for a picture from the dad. The father thanked him before pushing his son off to the next hero. This was the most fun Dean had had since last he could remember.

“Excuse me.” A light voice came from behind him and a finger tapped his shoulder.

Dean turned to see a red head dressed as Poison Ivy staring up at him with bright eyes. Her costume was gorgeous and Dean found himself feeling like he should be throwing some punches her way. But obviously he just gave her a polite smile and stood straight.

“I love your costume.” She grinned and held out her hand.

Dean shook the green sleeve. “Thanks, yours is way better.”

She rolled her eyes with a grin. “Thanks! Anyway, my name is Charlie. I stopped you because you are the best Batman I have seen yet, and we need one in our Batman room. You wouldn’t mind roleplaying with us, would you?”

Dean thought about it and he got a giddy excitement numbing his chest. “How many people are there?”

“Well, we have Poison Ivy,” She pointed to herself with a wink, “Robin, Two Face, Penguin, and Joker. The room is split into sections. I think there is one Batman in there now and he is facing off with Two Face. There isn’t any real violence, and it’s all for fun. Later we exchange info and maybe go at it again. Nothing stressful, just nerd fun. You in?”

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