A Very Special Christmas

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Prompt from DROP_TEH_MARI: CAS wants to celebrate human christmas for the first time and goes way over the top with decorations and even goes so far as to put mistletoe in as many places as possible including all over Dean's room.


It wasn’t that Dean despised Christmas, or that he wished it wasn’t such a goddamn deal to everyone, but he would much rather just go about December 25th like he does any other day. Most of his memories of Christmas were tarnished with monsters or his father being passed out on a motel bed. There was only one Christmas that meant anything to him, the one that Sam gave him the amulet, but even that one was fatherless and had taken place in a cheap motel. It wasn’t that he hated the holiday, it was just that it always reminded him of the lonely life he had carved around him.

So when he walked back to the bunker on December 24th with a case of his favorite beer and the most recent newspaper, he wasn’t expecting the green and red decorations that swallowed the place completely. In his shock he almost dropped what he was holding but his mouth dropped until he thought he heard it hit the floor.

Green and red twirled streamers hung from the banisters, miniature Santa Clauses filled almost every shelf of books that was in the place, the main table was cluttered with nutcrackers, some sort of glittery shit was sprinkled all across the floor, and to top it all off there was a giant wreath hanging from the main wall.

Dean thought he walked into a nightmare, it wouldn’t be the first time.

“Dean!” The fallen angel’s voice bubbled with excitement as it echoed through the bunker.

And that was the answer that Dean was looking for. This was Cas. Of course it was. Dean shrugged off his jacket and kicked off his boots before grudgingly making his way down the stairs into the heart of the bunker. There, bending over one of the lower shelves, was Cas. The hunter would never have imagined himself thinking this years ago, but damn did Cas look adorable. He was wearing an oversized Christmas sweater that was a deep green with red designs littering the back. A santa hat sat crooked on his unruly hair and he was wearing a mismatched pain of green and red fuzzy socks.

“What’s all this, angel?” Dean set his buys down on the table before turning and leaning back against it so that he could watch his angel decorate some more.

Cas straightened up and turned revealing a downright delectable smile. “I was getting into the ‘Christmas spirit’. Sam took me out to the store and we bought all this. Do you like it?”

There was a pause in the air. Dean wanted to say that it was horrible, that it was over the top and tacky, that it was completely foolish and stupid, and that he hated it. But when he looked into those gleeful blue eyes he felt all those words die in the back of his throat.

Instead he smiled warmly and nodded. “I love it.”

Something to close to a squeal left Cas’ lips as he practically leaped into Dean’s arms and pulled him into a searing kiss. In between their lips sliding together, Cas pulled back slightly and just smiled. “I love you, Dean. I am so relieved that you like them. Sam told me that you don’t enjoy Christmas, and I wanted to change that.”

That was the moment Dean realized something that made his knees almost give out. Every Christmas before was mostly horrible, sure he had Sam and that was the only thing that was good about them, but now he had Cas. He had someone who loved him despite everything he was and he had done. This Christmas he had someone to keep him warm and keep him safe.

“You already have, angel.” Dean pressed closer to kiss him again but Cas grabbed his hand swiftly and started to tug him impatiently. “Woah, where are we going?”

Cas only giggled as they pretty much stumbled their way toward what Dean realized was his (and pretty much Cas’) room. “Sam told me about this tradition that humans have and I quite liked it.”

Dean was about to question this when Cas threw open his door. Again Dean was shocked into a numbing silence. There had to be four dozen green leaves with red bulbs dangling from the ceiling. Mistletoe. Dean mouthed the word in awe as he turned his head to see Cas flushing deeply and measuring up his reaction.


Dean swallowed the next words out of Cas’ mouth as he hungrily gripped tightly to his angel and forgot about all the bad memories he had of this holiday. They stumbled over to the bed and collapsed with Dean fitting perfectly between Cas’ legs. The two men broke from the kiss only to stare into each other’s eyes. Any other time, any other person, Dean would feel embarrassed to be staring into their eyes. But not with Cas.

“I love you, angel, and this is going to be the best Christmas in the history of Christmases.” Dean grinned wide enough to set in an ache in his cheeks before attacked Cas’ face with quick kisses.

Cas squirmed but giggled breathlessly. “You haven’t even seen all the pies I baked for our Christmas dinner.”

“Every time you speak I love you more.” Dean groaned and rested their foreheads together. “Why are you so good to me?”

Cas tilted his head as best he could and squinted questionably at his lover. “Because you deserve it.” And the simple truth that laced his words tore into pieces of Dean’s soul that he had buried deep ages ago.

Dean let out a soft chuckle to hide the tears that threatened to brink his eyes.

“Merry Christmas, Dean.”

“Yeah, Merry Christmas, angel.”

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