Freaky Friday: Gabriel Addition

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Dean's eyes peeled open to the morning light and focused dozily on the blank white ceiling of just another hotel. Last night they had killed a werewolf, and Sam had left without a word. Dean knew it was because of the past werewolf case and so he didn't pry into his brother's mind. But Castiel had come back just for a few moments to warn them that Gabriel was back in town. It didn't worry Dean, he was on Gabe's good side as of late.

His arms spread out over the sheets as he breathed in the chilled morning air and felt his chest expand. They weren't on a case right now and he felt like just staying under the covers and drowning in the light feeling in his chest. The world could keep spinning around him, he didn't seem to mind. In a day or two they would have another case and life would keep moving forward. For right now, he had these few delicate moments wrapped in warmed sheets with not a care in the world.

"Sammy?" His morning voice was hoarse but he kept it at a whisper. But something sounded off. This voice that left his lips was familiar, but not his. Sitting up slowly, he let his eyes wonder down his torso as the covers slipped down onto his lap. This chest... it was chiseled and tanned.

"What the fuck!" Dean screamed as he jumped from the bed and stared down at the body of his brother. His fingers ran over his chest and he felt them. The hand... it was Sam's but he was feeling everything it felt. "Freaky fucking Friday." He muttered and his first thought went to Gabriel. "Son of a bitch."

Sam groaned lightly as he stirred under blankets of his own on the bed a few feet from Dean. Dean looked over with a little pang of anger when he saw his own face laying against the pillow. They were each other. And with just as much irritation as the day Gabriel had put them in the TV, Dean walked over to his cell phone and started to dial for Cas. But then he paused and looked over at his sleeping brother.

Taking large strides across the room, Dean snatched a shirt of his brothers and shrugged it over his shoulders. Dean never realized just how big Sam was until he was aware of the weight on him. When did Sam have time to work out? He didn't take time to think about the question before he grabbed the keys and walked out the door. Let Sam have some fun waking up in his body, he was going to find Gabriel and wring his little trickster neck.


Sam felt the morning pulling at his mind as he let the nightmares from last night drift from him. Waking up was the hardest thing for him, because it was reality that held the more nightmarish creatures. Last night he had felt the burden of his job all over again in crushing waves. So he had gone to a bar and maybe had one to many drinks. His head was feeling it now though as a squeezing head ache made him groan.

"Are you sick?" Castiel's voice came from above him.

Sam shook his head and buried it deeper in the pillow. "I just need some time, alright? I had a late night last night."

"You always outdo yourself." This time Cas' voice was lowing and more soothing. "Should I make you some coffee?"

"No, but thank you. I just don't want to move."

"Okay." Cas said simply before Sam heard his footsteps lightly tread around the bed.

Suddenly another weight fell on the bed and Sam tensed. Before he could open his mouth, a chest pressed up against his back and warm arms wound themselves around his chest. Hot breath blew across his neck and for the life of him Sam couldn't figure out what the fuck was happening.


"I know you don't particularly like cuddling, but I do. Can you let me have this for a few moments?" Castiel lightly traced his lips along his neck causing Sam to shiver.

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