Godforsaken Tight Jeans

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Prompt from anon: so how about a freaked out student who has ton of school work to do but his best friend has these really godforsaken tight jeans??


For the life of him, Dean couldn’t keep his eyes off of the round fabric of jean that was now edging toward the library table. All of his mind was completely focused on that ass as he tried his hardest to concentrate on the AP Calc book opened in front of him. This study group was Dean’s last resort to ace his test tomorrow, and now everything seemed flushed down the drain because his best friend and study partner decided to where those godforsaken tight jeans.

“I am telling you, Dean, you need to read the graph more carefully. Everything you need to answer the question is right there.” Cas spoke matter of factly behind his thick framed glasses. He was leaning over the table and trying to dig around on the table for a pencil that had lead in it.

Dean swallowed nothing from his dry mouth as he didn’t even comprehend the words coming from his friend. All he could see was the small wiggle of Cas’ hips as he stretched further. No amount of self control could seep into Dean’s mind as he unconsciously lipped his lips and prayed Cas would sit down before he jumped from the chair and onto his best friend.

Cas let out a sigh of triumph as he sat back into the chair with a bright green pen in his hand. Dean let out a sigh of relief at the disappearance of that distraction. But he couldn’t help blush as Cas squirmed around in his seat. Dean thought for a moment that Cas was teasing him, but soon discarded it as Cas set a notebook on his lap and started to scribble something.

“Are you even trying, Dean?” Finally those dazzling blue eyes flickered up and met Dean’s. “Dean?”

“Hm?” Dean shook his head while clearing his throat and sitting up in his seat to stare at the jumble of letters and numbers in the book. But for some reason, no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get the image of that tight ass out of his mind. He was surely going to hell.

“You haven’t even looked at the problem, have you?” Cas smirked with the roll of his eyes. “You are hopeless, Dean Winchester. Honestly, can you please take ten minutes out of your badass life to study and maybe pass this class?”

Dean nodded and gripped the sides of his book. He couldn’t deny the tightness in his pants as he broke out in a nervous sweat. All he needed was for Cas to find out his growing interest in him and on top of that fail this test and make Bobby ground him.

“Sure. Course I can.” But his voice was unsure as his eyes scanned over the page that very well could’ve been written in Chinese.

“Great. So, for the first problem on your study guide, look at the graph.” Cas leaned over and their arms brushed together.

Dean almost jumped as his nerves completely started to jump inside his skin. If he spoke, he was afraid he would crack so he just nodded and pulled the packet closer to him across the table. The graph was useless in Dean’s mind. When in the world would he ever have to know how to read a graph? What he knew he would need in the real world is to see that ass again. More color bloomed across his face when he realized Cas’ eyes were on him.

“This means nothing to me, Cas.”

Cas huffed out a small kind laugh as he pointed his finger over one of the lines that curved over the graph. “This is the a function. What they want to know is how to change that function to create this one.” His finger lightly traced across the paper and settled on the darker curved line.

Dean nodded but couldn’t help his eyes staring at the long slim finger. All he wished for was Cas to lean over the table again and wiggle his pretty little ass. Dean coughed from his inappropriate thoughts but nodded. Warm breath clouded over his shoulder as Cas scooted a little behind him and grabbed ahold of Dean’s hand. The contact sent electricity up through his spine. If he shifted, he could be pressed against his friend. Dean wished he could crawl under the table and die.

“It isn’t that hard, Dean.”

Oh, it is. Dean thought before he could stifle it. If he wasn’t so close to Cas, he might have laughed at the irony but he didn’t. Because he was terrified. An hour ago he was scared he was going to fail his class, now he was horrified that he was going to lose Cas by his inability to forget those tight jeans.

“It is stupid.” Dean huffed.

Cas sighed deeply and pulled back to sit back in his seat. “You are intolerable, Dean. I mean do you ever care that you might fail?”

Dean’s eyes peered over at Cas’ but then quickly flickered down to how tight the jean fabric squeezed over his thighs. The only thoughts that raced through his mind was the images of his hands grazing those thighs. Those jeans should be illegal in Dean’s opinion. They were just downright sinful.

“I care I just can’t focus. The… uh Dodgers are playing right now.” Dean lied through his teeth and threw out the only sports team he knew.

“You don’t watch baseball, Dean. Tell me the truth.” Cas looked over Dean’s face with some worry. Those blue eyes sparkling behind the thin glasses. “You and Sammy in another fight?”


Cas paused and sat back up. Dean couldn’t help but shift his eyes down and see the way the jeans gripped over Cas’ crotch in a tight bundle. Goddamn Dean thought his heart was going to explode from his chest before the night was over.

“Well if you aren’t going to study, I am going home.” His friend started to pack up his things and shove them in his bag.

“Don’t go.” The words escaped Dean’s lips before he could process how much of a sissy he sounded like. But the thought of those jeans leaving sent shards of pain into his chest. Those damn angelic jeans were breaking Dean down.

Cas stilled and looked over at Dean with a little confusion at the sudden emotion. “Dean-“

“Cas, I just don’t want you to go. We don’t have to study, hell I would be ecstatic if we didn’t study, but I don’t want you to go home.” Dean fumbled his hands in his lap as he bit down on his bottom lip until he felt blood. His eyes flickered down nervously over Cas’ muscular thighs making breathing hard.

“Alright.” Cas sat back down and stared into Dean’s eyes carefully before a wide smile smeared across his handsome face. “What do you want to do?”

The only word that came to Dean’s mind was, kiss. But he knew that he would send Cas running if he admitted his feelings. Cas was his best friend and he couldn’t lose him. He was the only thing that made life seem livable to Dean. But those goddamn tight jeans were just making Dean fall in love.

“I don’t care.”

“How about we go out for burgers?” Cas leaned forward causing Dean’s breathing to hitch as he wiggled his ass against the seat.

Dean was going to hell, he just knew it. But he unglued his eyes from those fucking jeans and started to shuffle his things into his bag as quickly as he could. Maybe the burgers would calm him down. They could sit in a booth and Dean wouldn’t have to see those jeans. The same jeans that would definitely haunt his dreams.

Warm breath pressed against his ear suddenly. “I wore these just for you, Dean.” Cas’ voice was lower and more lustful than Dean ever heard and it sent shocks of pleasure everywhere in his body. “I saw you checking me out the other day in school, you didn’t think I noticed but I did. I had to test the theory by wearing these and by God, Dean, you passed with flying colors.”

Dean let out a low groan deep in his chest as he listened to that dirty tone lacing Cas’ every word. “You asshole.”

Cas smirked and flicked his tongue over Dean’s earlobe. “Let’s go for those burgers now. I think I told my brother that I would be staying over at your house tonight.”

Dean grinned from ear to ear as his test tomorrow was so easily forgotten. Maybe Dean hadn’t hid his attraction that well, but he was damn happy Cas felt the same way. Never again would he underestimate Cas and his ways of reading Dean like an open book.

“I think I love those jeans.” Dean breathed under his breath as Cas led him out of the library and toward his car.

Cas chuckled as he took Dean’s hand in his and intertwined their fingers. “You will be seeing a lot more of them, Dean. Just for you.”

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