Started Subtle

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It started subtle. A light grazing of knuckles here, a pat on the shoulder that lingered for a few heartbeats, a brush of shoulders that made both men pause as they pressed together... It was subtle until the day it wasn't.

Dean was seated at the bunker's kitchen table with a hoagie of his own creation being chomped to oblivion between his teeth. The air was light that day since there wasn't a single case on the horizon. Peace filled Dean's lungs until he couldn't help but curve his lips around the next bite.

There was no flutter of wings to announce Castiel's entrance into the kitchen. In it's place was the soft shuffle of socked feet and the slight drag of a dead man's robe. The fallen angel made his way with half lidded eyes toward the coffee pot like he did every morning since he had fell completely and was offered a home with the two Winchesters.

"Morning, Cas." Dean swallowed a chunk of his sandwich to grace Cas with a pleasant smile. His heart couldn't help but skip when he saw the grouchiness that the angel wore so well. "Rough night?"

Castiel stopped dead in his footsteps. The air was sucked out of the room from a tension Dean didn't understand when their eyes met. Blue eyes seemed to be calculating something with every ounce of brain power before they widened in realization.

"Uh, dude-" Dean started to say as his face morphed into confusion, his sandwich falling onto the plate forgotten.

If Dean hadn't been there the day Castiel fell, he would've thought the guy flew. In mere seconds Cas was standing directly in front of Dean's chair with his hands resting on the hunter's shoulders. Silence enveloped them and all Dean could hear was the blood pounding in his ears and chest.


"No, Dean. No talking."

Lips were attached to Dean's before he quite knew what was happening. A gasp broke from his throat only causing a tongue to find it's way into his mouth. Not three seconds passed before Dean's hands were tangled in Cas' hair and his eyes were closed as he kissed back with every once of breath he had in him. The kiss might have only lasted a few minutes, but by the time they broke apart Dean felt like years had passed with his lips locked to the angel's.

"What. The Fuck." Dean's breath was choppy and his cheeks heated as his eyes opened to stare into drowning blue. "Was. That."

"A kiss." Castiel raised an eyebrow at him with intrigue. "To express that I enjoy waking up in the same household with you every morning."

Dean couldn't help but melt into a gooey lopsided grin. "Maybe you should kiss me again... and maybe I would enjoy it if you woke up in the same bed as me every morning."

Cas' eyes lit up far brighter than they every had, even when Grace used to course through his veins, as he wasted no time in capturing Dean's lips in his own.

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