Nightmares (Fluff)

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Prompt for Cas having nightmares and sneaking into Dean’s bed. This should be cute. Gonna keep it PG for the kids. If you want anything smuttier, put it in the prompt. I don’t want to gross any readers out who just want fluff. This one was short and sweet.


Two months. It had been two months since Cas had become human. Dean and Sam had gladly let him stay in the bunker until he had a plan and enough money to go out on his own. In truth, Cas had applied for several jobs. But since his people skills were severely lacking, he failed the interviews and lost all the jobs. But the Winchesters didn’t mind. The guy had saved the world and their asses enough to pay for as much rent as he needed.

It took two months before the nightmares began. Cas would wake everyone in the house with his screaming fits. They would run into his room to find him sobbing in the corner with every light in the room on. He would refuse to explain it to them, so they would tuck him back in and go to bed.

Tonight, Dean heard his door creak open. Instinctively, he reached quietly over to his nightstand and fumbled for his gun. Then he heard the soft breathing and recognized it as Cas’. In complete silence, Cas padded over and slipped into the bed beside Dean. Dean continued to be asleep, curious as to what Cas was doing. Then he felt the sudden heat from Cas’ body and their arms were pressed together.

“Cas?” Dean’s voice was low, sleep still dripping off of his tongue.

“Can I sleep in here tonight?” Cas’ voice was shaking and pleading.

Dean turned on his side and looked over to see Cas’ giant blue eyes searching his with fear. He knew he couldn’t say no, because he cared about Cas a lot. So he just nodded and watched as Cas slid down under the covers and laid on his side facing Dean. Dean watched quietly as Cas shut his eyes and nuzzled his face into the pillow. Dean felt a swell of warmness in his chest. He looked so cute and fragile in that moment that Dean wanted to punch a wall to feel manly again.

“What was the nightmare about?” Dean asked softly, still intently watching his fallen angel.

“Nothing.” Cas’ voice was already low and his breathing becoming heavier.

“Cas. Tell me, buddy.” Dean unconsciously reached his hand out and placed it on Cas’.

“You died. Over and over.” Cas’ face started to frown deeply as if he would begin to cry. “And I just watched. I was stuck.”

“Hey, that’ll never happen. You just have to wake yourself up.” Dean felt a sudden knot in his stomach. It was him that was driving Cas to this whole nightmare affair.

“I know. That’s why I wanted to be here. So when I woke up, you’d be here. And I would know it was a dream.” Cas opened his eyes slowly and looked into Dean’s eyes. “I don’t want to lose you again.”

Dean felt himself moving toward Cas on the bed. His arms wrapped around Cas’ waist and brought them into a hug. Cas buried his face in the crook of Dean’s neck and breathed against him softly. Dean planted a small kiss on Cas’ shoulder blade as Cas pressed against him harder. Dean could feel Cas’ heartbeat against his chest and it was the most relaxing thing he ever experienced.

“I have you, Cas. I am not going to let go.” Dean whispered into his ear.

“I love you, Dean.” Cas said suddenly. “And I know you cant love me back like that. You like women, beautiful gorgeous women. But I had to say it. I just had to. I can’t pretend anymore. If you want me to move out, I will.”

“No. I don’t want you to move out.” Dean pulled Cas’ head back and stared in his eyes. He took a deep breath and tried something he only dreamed about some times. He leaned forward and tilted his head just enough to touch their lips together. It was better than his wildest dreams.

Even though Cas’ stubble was odd at first, Dean found it kind of hot. And as Cas groaned and let his lips part for Dean to explore his mouth, he felt an explosion of fire and electricity rock his body. Cas’ mouth tasted like the sweetest pie he had ever eaten. The only time he pulled back was to catch his breath and look up into his favorite color of eyes on the planet. Because Cas was the only person Dean cared to kiss.

“Dean.” Cas mumbled as he began to trail kissed down Dean’s neck. “Dean.”

He was amazed at the pleading moans that he could get from Cas. This was sexier than any time he had brought a woman home. Cas’ body bucking and shaking against his made Dean’s head pound and his heart ache. This angel against him raised him from hell and loved him. It was more profound than Dean could wrap his mind around. And God, his entire body tasted so good.

“Tell me it again.” Dean whispered as he kissed his way over Cas’ chest.

“I love you.” Cas whimpered as his chest arched up against Dean’s mouth.

Dean moaned and started to nibble down his stomach. He had never heard those words spoken to him from anyone but his family. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was enough for someone.


Dean woke up with a start. He realized he was drenched in sweat. Starting to swing his legs over the bed, he found that his legs were tangled with someone elses. He popped open his eyes and looked down to see Cas’ head resting on his chest. His one arm was wrapped around Cas’ back and the other was tangled in Cas’ distorted bedhead. Cas’ own arms were wrapped securely around his waist.

“Cas, baby, wake up.” Dean would’ve let him sleep, but his stomach was beginning to growl.

Cas’ head stirred and he let out a low morning moan. “Dean. Sleep.”

“I know… but I need to eat.” Dean glanced over at his alarm clock. “It’s already almost noon.”

“Don’t go.” Cas’ arms tightened around his waist.

Dean chuckled and ran his fingers over his bare back. “You have five more minutes before I haul your ass up.”

He could feel Cas’ lips turn up in a smile. “Thank you.”

“Did you have any nightmares last night?” Dean asked as he closed his own eyes and listened to Cas’ soft morning breathing.

“No.” He felt Cas plant so small kisses across his stomach. “I slept very well.”


“We might have to do this every night so the nightmares don’t come back.” Cas pulled himself up so that his chin rested on Dean’s chest and he could take in the full face of his lover.

Dean cracked a classic Dean smile and opened his eyes. “Sure thing.”

Cas grinned like an excited child and reached up to plant a warm kiss on Dean’s lips. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Dean grabbed the back of Cas’ head and deepened the kiss. Five more minutes was a lie. They didn’t get out of bed until well around three oclock. But they didn’t mind, the nightmares were gone and Cas found a permanent home between Dean’s sheets.

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