Help From Shakespeare

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Mini-prompt from anon: Dean introduces Cas to Shakespeare or Sam introduces Cas to Shakespeare and woos Dean with quotes


“Shakespeare, not Shakesbeer.” Sam glared over toward Dean as he held the paperback play in his hands at the diner.

Cas tilted his head and squinted as he looked over the brilliantly covered book cover. “Shakespeare? Who is that?”

Sam smirked with excitement. He was a nerd, there was no other way around it. But since the hunter life had become his whole life, there was no one to talk about it like there had been when he was at college. The only person there was to talk to was Dean, who made jokes and picked on Sam for reading the classics.

“Shakespeare is an old school play write. Awesome really. You should read some of it, Cas, I think you’d like it. It’s mostly tragedy.” Sam sighed and looked down at the print in his hands. “Actually, it’s all tragedy one way or the other. “I am currently rereading The Tempest-“

“Don’t you dare make Cas into a book nerd like you.” Dean nudged Cas’ shoulder. “You are cool just the way you are.”

“I can read what I want to.” Cas hissed stubbornly and grabbed the book from Sam’s hands before anyone knew exactly what was happening. Then the ex-angel padded off from the kitchen table and locked himself in his room.

Sam stuck out his bottom lip and stared at his empty hands. “Damn it, I was just at the good part.”

Rolling his eyes, Dean snorted and stood from the table to head for a coffee refill. “Nerds.”


Castiel stood in the doorway of the bunker library and stared at the thoughtful back of Dean’s head. The hunter was reading something to do with a case in their near future. Castiel held The Tempest in his hands with white knuckles. The play had been a punch to Cas’ heart, he never knew that words printed on a page could create such a spark of feeling inside of him.


Dean shifted in his seat and smiled up at his friend with crinkled eyes. “What’s up, Cas?”

Cas blinked and reddened. When he read the play, there was one line that struck him and reminded him of his time piecing Dean’s soul back together from hell. Taking a chance, he decided to say it out loud to Dean. “’Hear my soul speak: The very instant that I saw you, did My heart fly to your service.’”

“What?” Dean tilted his head with furrowed eyebrows.

“I think… I just… I always flew to your side when you were in trouble, and this quote… I think it means that it was my heart that sent me flying to your rescue. It’s my soul… even when I didn’t quite have one… that beckoned you.” Cas stuttered and before he could allow Dean to say anything, turned and fled from the room in embarrassment.

Dean sat back in his chair and stared confused and a little shocked at the empty space his guardian angel once stood. His heart was pounding in his ears and foggy tears started to alter his vision. He didn’t quite understand why.


Sam was perched on the couch listening to his newest album purchase when Dean came storming in and collapsing on the arm chair that was his favorite. Sam stayed quiet as he watched his big brother’s red face start to lessen.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Dean turned slightly and met Sam’s eyes. “I hate you, that’s what’s up.”

Sam smirked and let his head fall to the side. “What did I do now?”

“Ever since you gave Cas that stupid Shakespeare book he has been doing nothing but reading that and more plays. On top of that, he keeps telling me all of his favorite quotes and how they relate to me.” Dean huffed out a deep breath and slid farther down on his chair. “They are all romantic lines, Sam.”

Sam couldn’t help the hearty laugh erupt from his gut.

“It’s not funny!” Dean whined and tossed his hands into the air. “He doesn’t understand that they are supposed to be to the ones you love.”

That made Sam quiet. “Dean-“ But before he could explain to his ignorant brother that Cas truly loved him, the ex-angel skipped into the room with a new play held tightly to his chest.

No one could deny the way Cas had changed since he started to read more and more Shakespeare. He was beginning to cry at small things, enjoy simple little acts, and above all smile a hell of a lot more than he ever had. It was like the plays finally awakened the emotions inside of his soul that were diminished when he was an Angel of the Lord.

“Dean!” Cas exhaled with a smile. Clearing his throat, he recited the line that had made his heart ache. “’When Love speaks, the voice of all the gods Makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.’”

“That’s beautiful, Cas.” Sam gushed as he eyed his brother with a wide smirk.

Cas nodded, proud of himself. “Dean and I share a bond that makes-“

“Enough.” Dean stood and stared at his brother coolly. “Please, give us a minute.”

Sam nodded and gave Cas a reassuring smile before grabbing his laptop and making his way into his room, where he would no doubt shove his ear to the door and listen to how this conversation would unravel.

“Dean-“ Cas tilted his head and gave Dean the puppy eyes that always made the hunter melt.

But Dean held up his hand silencing Cas. “Cas, do you understand the quotes that you keep telling me? Do you get the fact that they are words you use to woo a girl?”

Cas paused while his face slowly fell into a heartbreaking frown. “Yes, Dean. I know… they are-they are for someone that you love. I know that. I thought you… I just-I-“

“Tell me one more.” Dean watched the sadness in Cas’ eyes and couldn’t help but yearn to bring back that brilliant smile that crinkled Cas’ nose and lit the entire room with warmth.

Cas smiled lightly, not enough to bring comfort to Dean. “This is my favorite, Dean. The one that when I read it, I knew that it was you I wanted to tell it to. You are the one that Shakespeare writes about. You are… you are everything, Dean. ‘Eternity was in our lips and eyes, Bliss in our brows' bent; none our parts so poor But was a race of heaven.’”

Dean felt his knees start to shake, a feeling that he had never felt started to climb deep within him and restrict his breathing. Those words were powerful enough to awaken a notion in Dean’s mind that he was finally loved. Those words, spoken by the man who turned against Heaven, meant more to Dean than anything in his entire life.


“I’m sorry, Dean. If I made you uncomfortable, or angry. I just couldn’t help this urge in me to tell you these.” Cas peered up at Dean and took in a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”

Nothing Dean thought to say sounded like enough to convince Cas that the words had healed a lot of the scars still cut deep inside his soul. Without breaking the moment with excuses or reassurances, Dean stepped forward and held onto Cas’ arms tightly. Peering down into those eyes that held the wonders of the world, Dean lost his breath.


The words to follow were swallowed by Dean as he dipped down at caught Cas’ lips in a log awaited kiss. A light breath escaped Cas’ nose as the play in his hands slipped to their feet and his arms wound themselves around Dean’s neck so the hunter wouldn’t pull away.

“O ROMEO, ROMEO! WHERE ART THOU ROMEO?” Sam screamed with giggles from his bedroom door.

Dean parted their chaste kiss and rubbed their noses together, the joke from Sam went unnoticed as Dean stared into the eyes that made his whole world worthwhile. Cas chuckled and buried his face against Dean’s chest, over his thudding heart.

“Tonight I am going to read you a play, Dean.”

“As long as you are in my arms, I don’t care what you do, Cas. Just promise me that you will never change.”

“’One half of me is yours, the other half yours Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, And so all yours.’”

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