Chapter 2: The Concert

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I slammed my hand down on my alarm. I groaned looking at the time. 8 am? But it was a Saturday? Why had I...

Then it clicked! Today was the day of the concert! Lily and I hadn't stopped talking about it all week! Isabelle had been giving us dirty looks all week and we just laughed at her. She could get so jealous.

I jumped out of bed and instantly switched on MTV on my mini plasma in my bedroom. 'How Ya Doin' by Little Mix was on. I started singing and dancing around my room. I lived on my own, so it was ok.

So, while I'm acting like a nob, I guess I should tell you a little about me. I'm Jess Hamilton. I'm 16 and I'm in 10th grade. (A/N: I know that this isn't true and she wouldn't be in Y10 but I need it for the story.) I take my G.C.S.E's next year and I'm going to study drama and music. I know right.

I live on my own because, when I was 4, my mum, dad and brother died in a plane crash. It was a big one. There were 89 people on board, and I was the only surviver. 'Flight193 Lucky Girl'was my nickname in the papers.

The only other family I had left was my Grandma. She was my rock. But, when I was 14, she suffered a stroke and passed away. I remember how I broke down in tears at her funeral, and Lily was the only one left to comfort me. Lily and I have been best mates since nursery school, and we've always been inseperable.

I was jolted out of dancing to Perrie's voice when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and looked at the new twitter notification.

@Niall_Horan Heyo guys!!! Can't wait for the concert tonight at o2 Arena!!! Give us a shout out if you're coming! xxx

I immediately went to make a new tweet:

@Jess__Luckygirl193 I'm coming!!! It's gonna be awesome!! @Niall_Horan xxx

I put my IPhone back down on the table, satisfied with my tweet. I wandered through my flat to my tiny kitchen. I grabbed some cornflakes out of the cupboard and began to eat them. Yes without milk! Just as I finished, my phone buzzed again.

@Niall_Horan That's great! Where are you sat I'll look out for you love ;) @Jess__Luckygirl193

I gasped. Niall Horan was talking to me on twitter! The Niall Horan! I held on to the kitchen side as I began to have a massive fan-girl attack. I gradually calmed myself down and looked back at the screen. It was still there, I hadn't imagined it. I slowly typed my reply.

@Jess__Luckygirl193 My friend and I are sat right on the front row we've got backstage passes too xxx @Niall_Horan

I got a reply almost immediately.

@Niall_Horan Great! Tell me it's u if I meet u backstage xxxx @Jess__Luckygirl193

@Jess__Luckygirl193 I will don't worry xxx @Niall_Horan

I put my phone back down on the side and took a deep breath. Niall Horan just had a conversation on Twitter with me! I began to hyperventilate again, when there was a knock at the door. I strode through my small, red hallway to the front door and swung it open. There stood my best friend Lily, a huge smile spread across her face.

"Morning!" she said.

"Hey. You're not dues round till tonight, what are you doing?"

"Well," she began. "I got really bored about my mum nagging on at me to not drink alcohol tonight and don't hook up with any guys so I decided to come round."

"Great! I have something really exciting to tell you!"

Lily gave me a puzzled look before I dragged her into the living room, grabbing my phone as I did. I shoved her down on the sofa and thrusted my phone into her hands. She looked at me with confusion.

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