Chapter 6: She's here!

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Louis had come into my room at half past 5 this morning. He was now flopped out on the couch, snoring his head off. I knew why he was here. Lucy.


"I'm so tired," Zayn yawned, pulling out his and Liam's hotel key.

"I know same. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I waved goodbye to Liam and Zayn and ran down the hall to my room, picking my phone out of my phone. 9:15pm.

I quickly scrolled down my contacts until I found Lucy's name andopened my room. I chucked my jacket on the sofa and pressed 'CALL'. My hand ran through my hair as I waited for her to pick up. It would be 1 in the afternoon in Vegas right now.

"Come on Luce," I muttered.


I let out a giant sigh of relief.

"Hi Luce. It's Niall."

"Oh, hey Niall! How are you?"

"I'm fine but Harry isn't."

"Aww, why? What's wrong with my little Hazzabear? Is he sick?"

"No, he's missing you."

"Aww, I'll call him in a minute. Talk to him."

"No, he needs more than that. We had to finish the concert early because he broke down in tears. There will be videos on YouTube."

I heard clicking down the other end of the phone amd then gasping.

"Is it really that bad?"

"Yeah, I don't know what to do."

"Don't do anything. There is a spare private jet that I can use down at the airport. I'm gonna call Simon and cancel all my gigs and fly out to you guys."

"No, no, no! You can't do that, Lucy!"

"Yes I can! I'll just rearrange the dates. Don't tell Harry and I should be in London before 5am."


"No buts Niall! It's done! I'll see you later."



I was actually really happy that Lucy was coming to see Harry. It would be good for them. He would be cuddled up to her right now, enjoying her company.

I however, slept by myself last night. Yeah sure Liam, Louis and Zayn slept by themselves but they all had girlfriends. Liam has Danielle, Louis has Eleanor and Zayn has Zara. Oh, sorry I haven't introduced Zara yet. She's world-renounded artist Zara Malik. They're not married, they just have the exact same last name. I know, freaky. They met because Zara is Lucy's friend from school. Lucy and Zara also went to school with Olympic Gymnast and Tom Daley's wife Emma-Louise Daley. Famous friends.

The thing that really bugs me is that people wonder why I don't have a girlfriend when I'm pretty dang attractive, but it's because I only want the right person. And I think that is Jess.

I made a really smart move giving her my number last night. I keep waiting for her to text me or something but she hasn't. Eugh! I can't get over her gorgues ruby hair and her dimpled smile and her bright blue-


I jumped back, clutching my chest. Note to whoever is reading. Never scare a daydreamer. Stood infront of me was a laughing Louis. I slapped his arm.

"Not cool man," I scolded.

"Sorry, you were drooling. Is it because of wickle Jessy wessy."

He ruffled my hair and I blushed, shoving his arm. He laughed even harder.

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