Chapter 11: Don't Say That

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I backed myself as far up against the cold metal fence behind me as possible. I could feel my heart racing like a formula one car. He was getting closer.

"It's been a long time no see."

He ran his dirty fingers slowly through my auburn hair, his black, beady eyes locked with my brown ones the whole time.

"Get off me," I said as confidently as I could.

"I think you and I both know-"

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

I peered over Leo's shoulder to see Harry looking furious, Emma stood next to him. I heard Leo chuckle.

"So this is your boyfriend Luce eh. Nice to meet you mate, and to see you again Emma."

"Leo?" Emma gasped.

Emma was the only person I had ever told about the rape. No one else you.

"Who the fuck is he and why is he touching Lucy," Harry snarled.

"He's an old schoolmate, but the story behind this is long and complicated," Emma sighed.

"I don't care, just leave my fucking girlfriend alone!" Harry yelled, striding angrily towards Leo and I.

"If I were you I'd take a step back mate, that's if you want to keep your girlfriend safe."

I felt a piece of cold metal touch my hipbone and I saw Harry's eyes widen. He took a step forward and Leo dug the knife lightly into my hip, causing me to whimper and tears fall down my cheeks.

"Please don't hurt her," Harry begged.

Leo dug it in more and I yelped out. The pain was excruciating. I felt my knees go weak.

"Leo, leave her alone,' Emma said sternly.

"Both of you step back, or this knife is gonna come out the other side of her fucking body!' Leo yelled.

Just then, I saw Tom come to the edge of the alley way, panting from running. He froze when he saw the knife.

"What's going on?"

"Baby stay back here," Emma instructed, holding back her husband.

"Leo please," I begged, the tears still trickling down my cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put you in prison but please."

"You did what?" Harry asked.

Leo smirked. "Shall we tell our little story to Harry?"

"No! No!" I yelled.

"Well I think we should. You see Harry, Lucy and I were 15. We were dating. One day, I took her on a romantic date to this old romantic shack. Well, lets just say things got a little het up and Lucy ended up losing her virginity to me. She then said that I raped her and I got four years behind bars."

"You little liar! We never dated and you did rape me! You took my virginity against my will and you deserved every last second of that prison spell!" I screamed.

The knife was dug into my side even harder, causing me to scream this time. It was left buried in my hip.

"Please let her go! I'll do anything just please don't hurt her!' Harry cried.

Leo flashed a devilish smirk. I whimpered as his hand went up under my beach-dress and to my bikini bottoms I had underneath.

"Will you let me touch her, eh? Will you let me touch her in places you could only dream of touching Styles?"

"No! No, don't you dare!"

I felt his hand slide into my bottoms and slowly touch my entrance. I shrieked. The knife was still embedded in my side.

"Leo let her go!" Emma shouted.

"That's it!"

I heard Harry yell and he ran over to us. I felt the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life as the knife was shoved all the way in. I heard a thud as Harry tackled Leo to the floor and Emma ran over to me.


"Lucy! Lucy! Can you hear me?' Emma asked.

"Yeah," I whispered, sinking to the floor.

"Tom call an ambulance! Lucy, stay awake!"

I could feel my eyelids fluttering as a bright light appeared in front of my eyes. I felt a large hand grab mine.

"Lucy! Lucy baby please don't leave me! Come on stay awake, don't go!"

I could tell that Harry was crying, and I knew that Emma was too. This was it, the end. My life was over at 19.

"Please don't go! Please don't leave me baby, please," Harry cried, his wet tears splatting my arms.

Out of no where I found the strength to talk. All my energy was drained and I knew that there was no way I was gonna survive this.

"H-harry. I love you. Please say I'm sorry to everyone. We'll meet again Haz, I promise. Keep strong for me."

I focused my eyes on his mournful face. I placed my hand on his wet cheek.

"P-please don't say that," he stuttered.

"I love you."

I faintly heard the bleeping of sirens, when my whole world went dark...


Hey babey cakes! I don't know about you BUT I cried writing this chapter hope u like it xxxx

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