Chapter 27: I've Got to Tell Him

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I snuggled into Harry's chest, enjoying our final night on our own before we leave tomorrow for my tour. He stroked my hair.

"You excited for tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yes. Nashville's first on the list then to Toronto the next week then Miami for the IMA'S!"

"Yeah, you looking forward to those?"

"Defo. I'm gonna miss you like hell."

"I know, but it's only a week. No that long."

I laughed. We watched the movie for about 10 more minutes until there was a hard knock at the door.

"I'll get it," I said.

I pushed aside the blanket and walked through the living room into the hallway. I grabbed the keys off the side and unlocked the door. As soon as it was open, a very distraught looking Emma came tumbling in, crying her heart out. Harry appeared in the hall.

"Emma! Oh my god, what happened?"

"T-Tom... He left me!" She cried.

I gave Harry a shocked look. He came over and helped me lift her up and bring her into the living room.we sat her down on the couch and tried to calm her down. After about 20 minutes, her breathing went back to normal.

"I lost the baby too," she said.


"All in the same day. Here."

She handed me a crumpled up note with a ring inside of it. I read the note before passing it to Harry, shock overwhelming me.

"Is this his wedding ring?" I asked.

She nodded, the tears falling again.

"So, he just packed up and left while you were asleep?" Harry asked.

"Ye, he didn't even say goodbye or anything. I woke up yesterday morning and he was gone."

"I have no idea what to say," I stammered.

"I thought he loved me. I thought we were gonna be together forever."

"How could anyone be such a dick? Harry, why do men do that?" I asked.

"I don't know. All I do know is that you leave for Nashville tomorrow and I leave for Sydney."

I sighed. He was right.

"What do we do then? We can't just leave her like this?"

"Does she have parents?"

"Yes, but they live up in sheffield."

"I'll get Louis to drive her. He and El are gonna visit his parents in Doncaster tomorrow. I'm sure they'll drop her off."

"Emma, is that ok?" I asked the sobbing girl.

She nodded.

"Do you wanna go to bed? There's the spare room?" Harry asked.

"No, I'll stay down here."

We both nodded and said goodnight before going upstairs in silence, neither of us quite knowing what to say. Once we got into the bedroom, I climbed straight into bed as I already had one of Harrys oversized shirts on that I always wore. Harry got in next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You know, I promise that I will never do that to you. Ever," he said.

"I know. I can't believe he's done it. He's left everything behind. His mum for a starters, she's all on her own. And he's left his career."

"I know. Someone will find him, I know they will."

I kissed Harry's hand.

"Night baby."

"Night kitten."



"Josh! No stop please!"

I couldn't stop my laughing as Josh, the guitarist in my band, chased me down the tunnel towards the airport trying to tickle me. Chase, the drummer, Kel, base guitar and Deano, keyboard, were also roaring with laughter. I stopped as we got to the entrance of the private jet.

"No!" I squealed.

Josh had cornered me and began to tickle me, causing my giggles to worsen. I felt my knees buckle as I collapsed with laughter to the floor.


"Say Josh is a sexy beast!" Josh smiled, still poking at my sides.

"Josh is a sexy beast!"

It wasn't a lie. He really was attractive. He had brown, spiked hair much like Louis with green eyes. Kel has spiky blonde hair, Chase had deep brown hair that he styles in a quiff and Deano had dyed bright red hair which made him look extremely cool. All the boys were pretty fit with six packs that could make you melt. Josh and Kel both had girlfriends.

"Thanks. Not so bad yourself," josh winked. I slapped his arm.

Deano pulled me up, my laughing still quite loud. I ran onto the plane and bagged the isle seat.

"No fair!" Chase said.

I spat my tongue out at him and he and Deano filled in the two seats next to me. Josh, Kel and my main bodyguard Greg sat behind us, my three stylists Candy, Rachel and Polly sat across from us and my 25 bodyguards scattered around. There were also producers, managers etc that I didn't know.

"Nashville here we come!" I yelled as the plane took off.

Once we were in the air I undid my seatbelt and plugged my headphones into my iPod. The first song, So What by P!nk, was in the middle of its play when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up at the familiar.

"Hey Sammy."

Sammy was my co manager with Mike. She always came with me whenever I went on tour and took care of everything I needed. She was 24,with dirty blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes.

"Can I speak to you?" she asked.


I pulled my headphones out and followed Sammy to the back of the plane where there was a small table. We sat down and she sighed.

"I've been talking to Mike and Simon (Cowell) about you and Harry," she said.


"We think that maybe the two of you should take a break."

"Excuse me?"

What the fuck was she saying? Me and Harry should split up?

"We were saying that maybe it's time that you and Harry call it quits for a while. Date other people."

"What? Why would I do that?"

"We think that this thing with you and Harry is maybe getting boring for the fans."

"This thing between me and Harry is called love, and so what if the fans are bored with it! Harry and I are happy."

"You're young Lucy. You need to date other people in order to keep your Starlights interested."

"You can't make me!"

"I can. As soon as we land in Nashville you're going to call Harry and tell him it's over. You make up an excuse."

"You can't do that," I whispered, nearly in tears.

"I can. Now, go get some rest. You have a concert tonight."

I shook my head and ran back to my seat. I placed my head in my hands, trying to stop the tears from falling.

"You ok Lu?" Josh asked.

I simply nodded as my mind raced. How was I going to tell him?

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