Chapter 19: Meaning

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We dropped the girls off at Zayn's flat and waved bye to the girls. My stomach was filled with butterflies. Lucy had convinced me to tell Tom about the baby tonight, as I had my one month scan next week. One of the other things that worried me about this was that it could put a stop to my career, having a kid. It was a massive responsibility that I didn't think I was ready to fill.

"You ok Emma?" Harry asked. "How's your stomach?"

"Fine, just coming down with a bug I think," I replied.

I thought it best not to tell him before Tom. We arrived at Harry and Lucy's house all too soon. I climbed out, my hands shaking like hell. Lucy came up to me as we walked up the stairs.

"Are you going to be ok?" she asked.

"I'm gonna have to be."

She squeezed my hand as Harry unlocked the door. We walked in and their was Tom, sprawled out on the sofa watching the footy.

"Hey Harry, come upstairs with me a sec," Lucy said, giving me a nod.

"Err... Sure. Ok."

They both left the room and I cleared my throat. Tom looked up at me and smiled, patting the pace next to him on the sofa.

"Come and lay with me babe."

"N-No. I need to tell you something," I said, the tears already building up.

"Baby? What's wrong?"

"Tom, I'm pregnant."

He looked at me, astounded. He clamped a hand over his mouth.

"H-How? We've always used protection, it never-"

"It's not yours," I whispered.


"It's not your baby, Tom."

He looked at me again, trying to take it all in. I felt the tears trickling down my face.

"You cheated," he gasped.

"No, it wasn't-"

"You cheated on me."

"It was a one night stand Tom. A mistake, I was drunk."

"That's still classed as cheating, Emma. You slept with another guy."

He stood up from the sofa and strode past me into the kitchen. I followed him in. He was leaning over the counter, his back tensed.

"You made an oath, Emma. An oath to me, on our wedding day, swearing that you would love me and only me. We both did."

"I do love you."

"Then why did you sleep with some other guy!" he yelled.

I'd never heard him shout, ever. His tone made me cower back a little.

"Please, Tom. I never meant for this to happen. It was a mistake-"

"Oh everything's a mistake to you! You walk around, breaking things down and expecting me to pick up the pieces after you! I've had enough of this, enough of everything... Enough of us."

His last part made the tears fall harder. He didn't mean that, he can't have.

"Tom, you're only saying that because you're angry."

"Angry? I'm more than angry! You're pregnant with another mans child and what did you expect, for me to be farting fucking rainbows?!"

I didn't know what to say, I just broke down in tears in the middle of the kitchen. It was then that Lucy came running in, crouching down and attempting to comfort me.

"Oh, and I guess she knows," he said, gesturing towards Lucy.

"Yeah, I do. Do you have a problem?" Lucy spat.

"I do actually! You have no right to but in on mine and Emma's private relationship!"

"Oh really, well I do have a right you see because I love Emma with all my heart. (A/N please dont take a lesbian kind of approach to that). And that's more than can be said for you."

I could see those words stung him, Lucy saying that he didn't love me. I knew he did, he always has.

"I do love her," he sighed, calming down a little.

"Oh really? You've got a funny way of showing it," Lucy said.

"I've got a funny way of showing it? If you didn't notice she slept with another man behind my back."

"It was a mistake."

"Oh, so I guess it's ok for me to go and fuck some other girl then is it so long as it's a 'mistake' eh?"

I cried even harder.

"I never meant for this to happen Tom. Please, please say that you can forgive me. I'll do anything," I whimpered.

I heard him sigh and he knelt in front of me. I noticed his eyes were slightly puffy.

"Do you really love me?" he whispered.

"More than you could ever know."

"Did you have any feelings for the guy you slept with?"

"None at all. I didn't even know his name."

"And do you promise that my name can go as father on the Birth Certificate?"

"Of course."

He smiled lightly, stroking my hair.

"I love you, Emma."

"I love you too."

We'd spoken those words before, but right there, right now. They had so much more meaning than ever before...



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