Chapter 30: IMA Disaster Zone

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I shuffled nervously in my seat of the limo. The boys, my band and I were on our way to the IMAs. The Lights (Chase, Deano, Kel and Josh) were all in tuxes with purple ties to match my floor length embroiled Gucci dress. One Direction had on similar tuxes but with blue ties. Harry placed a hand on my lap.

"You nervous?" he asked.

"Please, since when so I get nervous?"

Harry laughed. It was true, I was never scared of performing in front of crowds, and tonight I couldn't wait. It was 4:30, as we had to get there and go down the red carpet which took at least an hour, then we had to get seated and the actual ceremony took three and a half hours, then it was the after party. The best bit. I was performing second to last and the boys were performing third to last. There were an overall total of ten acts performing. The two awards I was nominated for were ring announced just before the closing act, Katy Perry and Jessie J in a one off duet of Teenage Dream. It was gonna be awesome.

"We're here," Mike said.

"So what's gonna happen?" Liam asked my manager.

"Ok, so Lucy and The Lights are gonna get out first, then you boys. You'll pose for pictures as One Direction and Lucy Star and The Lights for the majority of the event, however we do need some of Harry and Lucy together."

"And are Eleanor and Danielle already in there?" Louis asked.


"What about Jess?" Niall questioned.

"No, we've had to keep her away for her own safety."

Niall sunk back in his seat. Things with him and Jess hadn't been going well ever since Lily had leaked the story about their relationship. I'd Skype called Jess all through the week and she was depressed. The paps weren't leaving her alone and she was getting death threats on Twitter. It was horrible.

"You ready, Lu?" Deano asked.

"Lets go kill this motherfucker!" I yelled.

The boys cheered and I clambered out of the limo as elegantly as I could, which can I say is very hard to do in six inch stiletto heels. Instantly, the cameras began flashing as I made my way with my band down the never ending red carpet. I looked behind me to see One Direction posing for photos.

Eventually, we got to the board with all the sponsors on and I and The Lights stood in front of it and smiled, the blinding lights killing our eyes. I stumbled out of the way for the next celeb to have their picture took.

"Oh fuck."

Right in front of us were The Wanted, flashing their disgusting smiles to the not very interested camera men.

"Hold back a bit," I said to Chase as he began to walk towards our next post.

"Lu we have to go. There's only ten minutes left to get seated."

"I can't walk past them!"

"You're gonna have to!"

I felt someone shove my back and I squealed, with no option but to walk forward. Nathan's head turned to face me at the sound.

"Look who's here boys," he smirked, judging Siva.

"I don't want any trouble," I said.

Max leant down to my ear. "Neither do we, we just want a bit of fun."

I shoved him away and I now noticed that most of the cameras had slowly turned their way to pointing at us.

"Fuck off you prick. I'm way too good for your tiny ass dick."

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