Chapter 7: Celebrities Bacon and Niall Horan

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"Wake up Jess! We're gonna be late for breakfast and I'm hungry!"

I buried my head deeper into the pillow. Lily and I had stayed in a hotel close to the O2 and I was so tired. We got home at 11pm because we went out for pizza after the meet and greet, where NIALL GAVE ME HIS PHONE NUMBER! I still wasn't sure whether to text him or not. Eugh! I'll do it later.


"Ok fine!" I yelled.

Lily jumped up and let out a 'YES!' while I rolled reluctantly out of the soft hotel bed. I checked my appearance in the mirror. My mascara was smudged and my red hair was strewn about on top of my head. I was just in my bra and pants because I forgot pyjamas. I looked at Lily who was sat in the living area already in her new clothes.

"What should I wear, Lil?"

"Something comfy!" she yelled back.

I looked through my suitcase at the different clothes I had packed. I decided on my denim jeans and my blue tank top. I wiped off my mascara and brushed my hair into a pony tail. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I looked at the time. 9am. Too early.

"You ready?" Lily asked, seeing me walk over to the door.


She got up and locked the door behind us. All the time we were walking down to the breakfast hall I kept looking at one contact on my phone. Niall. I had no clue what to put to him. I opened a new message and began tapping my hand against my thigh as we waited in line to be escorted to our table. Suddenly, Lily took the phone out of my hands.

"Hey!" I protested.

"Don't do it now! There are no mobiles aloud in here!" she whispered, pointing to a sign.

I huffed as Lily slipped my phone into her pocket. We were greeted by an over-smiley woman.

"Hi! I'm Kelly, welcome to the Treston Hotel breakfast bar. Now, unfortunately there has been a slight mix up. We have been overbooked so we will be moving you to anoher room. Is that ok?"

"Yeah sure, will we be the only ones in there?" Lily asked.

"Err... No. There will be some VIP's in there."

"Oh ok!"

The waitress flashed us a fake smile before leading us through the busy dining area into a smaller room. There were two tables; one big one with fancy platters and loads of food, and a smaller one with a full english and two seats. Ours.

"Come on!"

Lily dragged my arm over the table and we instantly began to tuck in. I was half way through my breakfast when I heard a door swing and Lily look up. I watched her as her eyes lit up. She shook my shoulder, still keeping her focus a head.

"Jess. Guess. Who. Just. Walked. In."

I sighed and turned around in my seat. I was in the middle of chewing a piece of bacon and, when I saw him, it fell right out of my mouth and onto my lap. Lily snickered.

"It's 4/5 of One Direction!" she squealed.

"I know and it's Niall!"

We both silently shrieked and Kelly obviously noticed, giving us the dead eye. I think Niall saw her, and he turned around from his breakfast, focusing on us. I saw his bright blue eyes widen and he jumped up, running over to us. I felt butterflies form in my stomach.

"Jess. Bacon," Lily whispered.

I quickly remebered the piece of bacon on my lap, and threw it away onto the flloor. Oh god. He's getting closer... closer...

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