Chapter 10: Dates and Forgotten Memories

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We were all sat at a private table for lunch, up one end of the canteen at the waterpark. I was sat next to Jess with Zayn on my other side. Everyone was laughing and joking. This morning had been great. Tom had been helping to teach Zayn how to swim, and Louis and Lily kept flirting. I'm sure something was going on between them. I looked over at Harry. He was laughing his head off at something Lucy had said. Honestly, whenever he was with her, he was without a doubt the happiest guy on the planet.

"Hey, Niall, do you want my last chicken strip?" Jess asked, shoving her plate towards me.

"Are you sure you're a fan?" I laughed, shoving the chicken in my mouth.

Jess giggled and went back to conversation with Lily. Zayn tapped me on the shoulder.

"When you gonna make a move?" he whispered, nodding towards Jess.

"I don't know, I'm not sure what to do."

"Ask her if she wants to go the cinemas next weekend."

I nodded and turned to Jess. I took a deep breath.


She turned and looked at me.


"I was wondering if you wanted to go the cinemas with me next weekend?"

"Yeah! I would love to Niall. Text me the details yeah?"

"Of course! Thanks."

I turned to Zayn and he high fived me. Little did I know that everyone on the table had heard.

"Ooooh! Niall and Jess are going on a date!" Lucy sang.

I blushed. I really hated people invading my personal life that, and I could see Jess' cheeks firing up into a bright crimson. Everyone went back into their conversation, when a phone rang.

"Sorry guys," Lucy said.

She pulled it out and pressed answer. Everyone stayed silent while she answered.

"Hello?*pause* What the hell do you want?" she whispered the last part.

"Everything ok?" Liam asked.

"Yeah I gotta take this."


I apologised and ran out of the canteen to the back of the waterpark where they kept the dumpsters. I shut the door behind me and put the phone back to my ear.

"Come on then! Why the fuck are you calling me?" I yelled.

"Nice to hear you too babe."

"Piss off Leo."

It was Leo on the phone, a guy from school. He took my v-card. We were never dating. He raped me when I was 15. I know I said my dad would do that, but he only touched me. He never went that far. I dreamed of losing my virginity in such a romantic style, but it was lost in an old abandoned shack in Doncaster. I'd forgot about Leo, until now.

"How the fuck did you get my number?"

"I have people in very high places, babe."

"Don't call me that. I thought you were in prison."

"You only get maximum of 4 years for rape, so I'm back out sexy. And I'm gonna get you for sending me down."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means, that I'm gonna hurt you and your precious little boyfriend. I spent four years behind bars because of you, and now you're gonna pay."

"You say that, but we both know you don't mean it."

"That's where your wrong. You see, I know you're at Aqua Splash right now. And guess what, so am I."

I gasped. How did he know I was here? There had been nothing in the press so far, no pictures, no articles.

"H-How do you know?"

"Like I said, I have contacts."

"You dare touch me or my friends and I will-"

"You'll do what?"

I took a breath. He had me in a corner. I was so scared. With all the media attention, he'd be able to find me anywhere. I felt my heart beat faster than ever before. I couldn't do anything else but hang up. I grabbed my hair in a clump and sunk to the floor against the wall, my whole body numb with shock. He was going to do stuff to me. Stuff that I had tried to forget. Stuff that no human should ever have to go through.

I took deep breaths to try and suppress the tears, before shakily standing up. I opned the door and walked back into the canteen. I saw all the guys eyes on me as I walked back over to our table and leant over Emma's chair, whispering in her ear.

"I have to go. Now," I whispered.


"I can't say here, but I have to go."


"Emma, I have to go!' I yelled.

Everyone in the entire canteen began to look at me. Harry gave me a confused stare.

"Baby what's up?' He asked, standing up and walking over to me.

"Nothing I'm fine."

"No you're not, who was on the phone?"

"No one."

"Lucy, who was on the phone."

His voice was more stern the last time, his hand reaching for my wrist and grabbing it. I stared at him, my throat suddenly dry.

"I have to go."

I yanked his wrist off and ran for the main exit. I could feel the tears stinging in my eyes as I shoved the door open into the main reception of the water park. A few girls and guys screamed as I ran through. I was so glad the paparazzi didn't know I was here. I ran out onto the pavement.

"Lucy! Babe please come back!"

"Lucy! Come on!'

It was Harry and Emma chasing after me. I was about to turn a corner when a familiar figure caught my eye. It was leaning against a white Mercedes, smirking at me. I froze dead on the spot. I snapped back into my run when I saw Harry and Emma gaining way on me. I turned down an alley, and I was trapped. I expected Emma and Harry to come down, but I was in for a nasty shock.

"Hello my gorges.'

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