Chapter 14: Wow

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"Thanks for the lift Niall. I really appreciate it."

Niall had just dropped Lily off at her house and he was now dropping me off. I climbed out of his pretty sick Mercedes Benz and onto the pavement. I stumbled as I got out. I was still trying to work my way around the events of the past two days. Yesterday, I was just a regular girl going to a bands concert. Today I have got a pop stars mobile number, going on a date with one of the most famous people on the planet and almost witnessed a mega stars death. Huh.

"So I'll see you next Saturday," Niall said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yes, or would you like to stay for tea tonight? It's only 6. I'm not gonna bed till 10," I said.


I nodded, causing him to chuckle.

"Will your folks be ok with it?" he asked.

I gulped. I still hadn't told him about all that stuff yet. I wanted him to get to know me properly before I go into all the emotional stuff.

"I err... Don't live with my parents," I simply said.

"Oh. Ok."

We walked in silence up the stairs towards my flat. It was a pretty basic place, quite small, everything you would expect for a flat. I tried to keep it in good condition as it was my grandmas.


I opened the door and Niall stepped in, looking around the small hallway. I hadn't replaced anything in here. Even though it was the smallest room, Nana used to come and sit in here on her rocking chair and knit until the sun went down. I had kept the wallpaper and her chair was still there, her knitting needles sitting proudly on it.

"You knit?" Niall asked, noticing the needles on the chair.

"No they were Nan's but she passed away. She used to sit on that chair all day and just knit," I smiled sadly.


"It's fine. You can go into the living room. Do you wanna drink?"

"Tea please. Two sugars."

I nodded and smiled walking into the kitchen and flicking on the kettle. I hummed lightly to myself as I grabbed the tea bags, sugar and mugs. The kettle flicked and I poured out the tea. I walked back into the living room to see Niall flicking through a photo album. Oh God.

"Tea!" I shouted, unsure of what to say.

He looked up from the album and smiled, taking the cup out of my hand and shuffling up on the couch. I sat down.

"I hope you don't mind. I found it in the draw below the tv. I was looking for the remote."

I shook my head. I couldn't just snatch it off him, he would ask questions. He pointed at a particular picture. It was me, my brother, dad and mum the day before the flight. Our vacation.

"That your family?"

I nodded, trying to hold my tears back.

"How old are you on that photo?"

"I was 4. My brother was 8."

"How old is he now?"

My breath hitched in my throat. He would be 20, but I couldn't say he would have been 20.

"He's 20."

"What's his job?"

"He's a plane engineer."

I remember how Addi used to always talk about planes nonstop. He definitely wanted to build planes. If he had survived the crash with me, he probably wouldn't have set foot near another plane in his life.


We sat there in silence as we drank our tea, letting the warm substance trickle down our throats.

"Do you think Lucy is gonna be ok?" I asked.

"She's gonna be fine trust me. Harry has everything under control."

"What do you mean?"

I knew what he meant, I just wanted to keep conversation flowing. Niall put his mug down on the coffee table and turned to face me.

"Harry and Lucy are completely and utterly smitten with each other. Harry will make sure she gets everything she needs."

"They really love each other, don't they?"

"More than you can ever imagine, Jess. He talks about her nonstop and I honestly think that they're sole mates."

My jaw dropped.


"Yeah Harry always talks a out how one day he wants to be able to make her his. He wants to create a family with her. He's prepared to give up everything he has for her."

I sat there, stunned. I didn't know you could feel love so strong at only 19.

Niall stood up and walked into the kitchen. I followed him as he placed his mug in the sink.

"Thanks for the tea Jess."

"It's fine. I'll see you Saturday?"

"Yeah. Bye."

He walked over to me and kissed my cheek. He left it lingering a second too long. He smirked and walked out of the door. Wow.



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