Chapter 9

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"They know about us, Jongin. I'm done. I-I lost everything." She took a deep breath and then floods of tears ran out of her eyes.

Frozen, I stood there. Right in front of her, I was out of words. Just like that last time, I didn't find words to comfort her. She was looking at me when I was looking beyond her: What will happen now? Will this affect my career? Will she be oblige to leave our relationship and save her life?

I have to save my life first.

"Hey hey! You didn't lose anything. I'm here for you. We will surely find a solution. Let's just be rational, okay?" I said as I placed my hands on her cheeks, wiping her tears.

"No. He's Byun Baekhyun! He will destroy me! He... he is merciless!" She freaked out and pushed me away with a little force, "There is no 'we'...I have to go." She tossed all papers on her desk, took her bag and left me all alone.

She's going on to give up on me, on us.

I always knew that Han Jieun was a selfish woman, she only wanted what gave her a plus and got rid of the rest. At that moment, she saw me as a parasite, an obstacle that was going to stop her from having all power.

But I never thought that she would turn against me at the climax of these events.

After few minutes of being dumbfounded, the door got opened and my secretary stood there, pale-faced, sad eyes: "Mr.Kim, Mr.Park needs you."

"I don't have time for him, I have to leave." I was about to go when she stopped me.

"He said you have to come to his office right now. He was really angry on the phone." She told me worryingly.

What have I done in my other life?

"What do you want?" I said as soon as I entered Chanyeol's office.

"Sit down." He said while playing with his fingers.

"I have things to do-"

"I said 'sit.down.' Mr.Kim." He interrupted me then held the cursed newspaper.

It took us few seconds, gazing at each other's faces, waiting for one of us to give up and look away, but nothing happened. Flames of hatred were flying around us and kept the silence as thick as a wall. He then smirked.

"I think you're over Mr.Kim."

"What do you mean by that?"

"As I read in this newspaper that everyone in this office has read, you are involved in a love affair with Mrs.Byun."

"Ms.Han Jieun. She's no longer Mrs.Byun." I corrected him.

"You were involved with her in a love affair before her divorce that happened this morning. This leads to one conclusion: adultery."

I had no word to say. Adultery explained everything.

"So you are cut between two powerful hands : HG group and BB global group."

"What am I doing here, Chanyeol?" I huffed. I was boiling with anger that I wanted to toss it on him.

"I warned you, she's not that sweet woman that you think she is. I told you not to care about her because she won't. And here you are, left alone with this gigantic problem."

"What's your point?" I asked rather not interested.

"My point is: she used you to get a divorce and now she will throw you out of the office and get back to her old position. It's a rational analysis, right?" He half smiled.

Behind that poker faceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin