Chapter 13

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Hello guys , how are you ?
Hope y'all doing great :3
So I just wanted to apologize at first for not being active since the last update :'(
I wanna share what I have been doing with you guys if you don't mind.
Well, this year has been a rough year because it's my graduation year from university and YEHET I graduated in May and now you can say im an OFFICIAL TEACHER OF ENGLISH except I didn't sit for the national teachers' exam because it's delayed for next year ~ Then, in June I got a summer scholarship to go to the USA to study business which was THE BEST EXPERIENCE EVER !!! Then, when I got back home, I decided to apply for linguistics master degree and I FINALLY GOT ACCEPTED @_@
All of these things happened in 3 months which is awesomely (?) hectic for me. Now I'm a grownup woman and I'm thinking about my future more and more. Lots of things are roaming around my mind... I'm planning on traveling again but I'm not sure of that .. I want to change my major but I'm still not sure of that ... ADULTHOOD IS HITTING ME SO HARD :'(
So this is why i'm so damn busy that I forgot about this fanfic (p.s I miss EXO so bad as well as fanfictions ...)
I hope you would accept my apology and I promise you I will update as soon as possible.

Love you <3

Copyrights to angeloxe

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