Chapter 15

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Jongin POV

"No! Baekhyun! Leave me alone! No please!" Jieun screamed out loud to get away from Baekhyun's strong grip. That was what I heard in the closet and didn't like to stay there so I showed up in front of them, holding Baekhyun's arm and took it away from Jieun's trembling body.

"You again!" Baekhyun talked then laughed, "The fuck are you doing here?"

"Leave now!" I stated.

"Jongin ..." Jieun whispered. I looked at her, seeing her pleading eyes, making me connect with her inner feelings. What's wrong Jieun? I didn't pay attention to Baekhyun until his fist met my face. My lower lip started bleeding and my face was all turned to the other.

"You leave my wife and this house or I will call the police." Baekhyun yelled and the door flew opened. Sehun, Chanyeol and some other persons were behind them.

"Mr. Byun, please go home. You must be tired." Sehun said calmly. Baekhyun scanned everyone and said nothing to them. He kept looking at me and if looks could kill, I'd be drowning in my own blood.

"Once I see you again, you'll be dead, bastard." Baekhyun pointed his finger at me. I didn't move an inch even if his tone was dead serious. I was there to defend Jieun, to stay by her side and protect her. I didn't care if he hurt me or not but I wouldn't let him touch a hair of her.

He left and Chanyeol eyed the rest of the unknown people to back downstairs. Sehun and Chanyeol entered the room and closed the door.

"You ok?" Sehun started.

"I don't know." Jieun blankly replied.

"If you want to go to the hospital, I'll take you." Chanyeol took a step close to her when she looked up and down at him in disgust which made him regret his move.

"No need." She said then turned to me, "what were you doing in my room?"

"we'll talk later. You must be tired." I said while wiping my bleeding lip then looked to the others ,"You may go and please let the people downstairs leave immediately. We don't need this to be the headline of tomorrow's newspaper." I said then opened the door to Sehun and Chanyeol. They got my point that Jieun needed some time alone, or basically alone with me.

"You should be thankful that I was here. What would he do if you were alone?" I approached her.

"Go home Jongin." Jieun looked back at her window, watching people leave. I maybe couldn't see her face at that time but I felt like she was about to cry.

"You can cry in front of me, Jieun. And I won't leave until you feel better."

"I'm better off with you."

"Jieun ... " I sighed.

"Jongin, please! I'm begging you! Looking at you reminds me of how miserable my life is." She turned around, tears threatening to fall, body almost weak as a dying flower and eyes full of mixed emotions.

"Let me fix it." I got closer to her, held her arms and let her head bump into my chest, "Let me fix your miserable life. I said I love you Jieun and I wasn't lying." I breathed the jasmine-like smell of her hair.

She didn't say anything.

Nor did I.

We were standing there, few sun lights hitting us through the gray clouds. I was protecting her in my arms and she was letting everything out in my chest.

"I'll fix everything for you."

It's been two weeks since the incident. Even though I tried my best to keep up with Jieun. She kept pushing me away until she one time decided to send a message telling me she needed some time alone so she was going to Seattle and didn't mention when will she go or will comeback.

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