Chapter 10

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"You're fired..."



"...Park Chanyeol." She finally said.

What happened? What?

"Ha. You're kidding, right?" Chanyeol laughed sarcastically.

"Do I look like I kid?" Jieun raised one of her eyebrow.

"Should I ask why?"

She walked towards him and handed him some documents, "Read this manifesto, look at these pictures, then talk", then she returned to her place, "As the one who helped in making this problem, I would like you out of my company."

Chanyeol frowned while looking to the documents. He looked really dumbfounded and I was really out of the place, I couldn't understand a thing.

"Jieun, what's going on?" I asked.

"This man is the one who hired the photographer to take pictures of us. Manipulating with BB global group against one of the officers in this company-who is me- is against the law. I can't believe you did something like this, Chanyeol." She yelled.

I looked at him, surprised of his action. Why would he do that? He had a good position in the company, then why would he do that to Han Jieun?

"You can't fire me Jieun. This company is not yours anyways." Chanyeol said and scrambled the papers and threw them away.

"I can't. He can." She pointed at me.

"You can't trust her, Jongin! Don't."

And here I am, torn between two people standing right in front of me. To be honest, my trust for Jieun had been shaken by Chanyeol's facts and the things I've been seeing in her lately.

"I... Jieun... I need time to think...." I stumbled in words.

"No Jongin! Please ...." Jieun pled, "Chanyeol, you're fired! That's it! I'll see you in the court!" She screamed at Chanyeol.

"Are you insane or what? Your father is the one who put me here not you!"

"He is dead!"

"He is not! How could you say something cruel like that about your father!"

"You both, stop for God's sake. What is wrong with you?" I stood up between them to calm the tension, "Chanyeol, please leave. We will talk later."

After Chanyeol withdrew from the office, Jieun fell hard on the floor while crying river. She was a mess from head to toes. I never saw her that broken. She lost her family, her husband, her company... mostly everything around her. What should I do? How should I react to this?

"Hey... Hey look at me." I said after I knelt down in front of her and raised her face to mine, "I'm here, don't forget that."

"You have to fire him! You... need to help me with this trouble." She kept crying.

"Ok I will. He stood against the laws of the company so he is officially out. But all I care about now is you. Don't stress yourself, okay?"

She only nodded and stood up. I suggested for her to go home and rest for some days until she could ease her mind and go back to her normalcy. She just got out of depression and she could definitely go back to it, as easy at time flew.

As for Chanyeol, I got him out of the company but without signing a lawsuit against him. Our company had enough troubles to deal with, we didn't need another lawsuit, even though Jieun insisted on that. What is the point of proving a wrong move right when you are the guilty one?

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