the strange boy (picture of annabelle)

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this story has many mistakes and the first few chapters are badly written. I apologise for the spelling and gramatical mistakes.. I will rewrite the chapters when I get time

this story is copyright! this mean that all the chapters along with prolouge and epilouge, if copied, will have strict action taken towards them. 

basically it means if you copy my work i will kick your butt!!


hellloo everyone!! i just want to thank you all to get this story 9k reads!! you guys are amazing! i would give you all free gummybears!! anyday you want!!

i am really lucky to have you guys read my story and give it a chance! i dont think i would have been able to continue this story without your support!

once agai thanx a lot guys!

chapter 1. the strange boy

here it is..

I was rudely awaken by my annoying alarm that was ringing as if there was no tomorrow. I swear if it didn't shut up there would be no tomorrow for the alarm clock. I eventually woke up and dragged myself to the bathroom. "Annabelle" my mom yelled at the top of her voice.

I swear she will lose her voice someday if she continued to yell like this. "Yes" I yelled back. "You are late" she shouted back "thanks for the heads up I didn't knew" I yelled sarcastically. "Don't speak like that and hurry up" she scolded yet shouting again.

I rolled my eyes and got into the shower. It's not like I cared if I was late for the school. It didn't matter. You could say I was a badass. But a totally awesome one.

It was just that I couldn't take anyone insulting me without sending the person to hospital. I got ready in a skinny white jean, dark blue off shoulder top and my favourite black boots that were totally amazing. I applied some mascara and eyeliner to my eyes to make them pop out and some gloss to my lips. I looked totally sexy.

I went downstairs to run into my brother. My brother was totally overprotective of me and so was my dad. It was only mom who could understand me and allow me some fun. Never less I loved my brother and my father.

"Where do you think you are going like this" were the first words that came out of my brothers mouth. No 'good morning' 'I hope you slept well' love you too bro. "good morning to you to" I said sarcastically. "go change your top, its showing too much skin." I ran to my mother and told her about my Anndy, short for Andrew, my brother and what he said. It was a good thing dad was already to the office otherwise I would have gone to school in Eskimo costume. literally.

I ignored my brother and skipped breakfast leaving mom to handle him. "I am off" I yelled. And so I was. I went outside to my love, my life, yhe only thing I loved more than myself, my amazing red Porche. I loved the car. I blasted the music to full and was off to school. Once I got to the school I skipped to my class because walking is very boring. I was already late and I didn't care.

My first class was English. Okay then I thought. I skipped to the class and threw the door open. It hit the wall behind and made a loud noise. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me and the teacher whose name I- have -never- cared -about looked at me pissed. "heloooooooooooooooo!!! I am here. Don't panic Annabelle's at your rescue!" I shouted! The teacher looked pissed. "DETENTION" he screamed. "chill dude" I said walking up to my seat. He was flaming. Like the one in cartoons in which you have smoke coming out of your ears. I laughed at picturing him like this.

People around me looked at me as if I am crazy. I grinned. The period passed in blur. And before I knew it, it was lunch. I went to the cafeteria dragging my feet because I have heard there were new students coming here and I knew there will be every girl cough 'slut' cough around them because I have heard they were hot. So I made my way to the cafeteria. I went in there and as expected a table was surrounded by sluts. I couldn't even see the faces of the new boys.

I ignored them and made my way to my table. Next thing happened in slow motion... I saw the coke can and I ran towards it as if my life depended on it and as soon as I reached it and was ready to drink, the can was taken out of my hand and was emptied into my best friend Cassy's mouth.

I stared at it longingly. Then I looked at cassy and narrowed my eyes. She looked scared and she should be. Everyone know no one comes between and coke. I was prohibited to drink coke because I got hyper and violent and simply crazy. Well more than I am.

I ran after her and she took off at full speed. I ran after her using my full energy. Soon I was on a table sitting on cassy. "sorry! I will get you a new can!" she shouted. I narrowed my eyes at her.

Suddenly I heard chuckling. I looked around and I was on the new kids table. As I had heard they were extremely hot. One was black haired with green eyes and he was really tall almost 6'0. The other guy was breath taking. He had brown hair and deep chocolate brown eyes.

His hairs had blond streaks and were in a bed style form. He was really gorgeous at 6'3 with muscles bulging out of him. He seem to tower ove my 5'3 form even though he was sitting. He was wearing a white top with black skinny's.

After I was done raping him with my eyes I came back to his face and looked directly in his eyes. Suddenly everything was forgotten and I and him were the only ones left in the world. I was bought out of my trance with an ear splitting scream.

I looked up to see a slut shouting and she had orange juice all over her and my other friend Jacob was laughing his head out. It was obvious that he threw the orange juice on the queen bee aka Brittany. I called her bitch. It suited her more.

I heard a growl and I was pinned on the table by Mr. gorgeous. His brown eyes had so much depth and so many emotions. There was lust, possessiveness and other emotion I couldn't point out. "mine" he growled. That was all that took me to come out of my trance. I pushed him and since he wasn't expecting it, he stumbled back. I got up and ran out of the cafeteria like a bat out of hell. What was that? I thought to myself.

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