weird stories

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i know you guys are ready to kill me with those hockey sticks and cowbars in your hands but i can explain. sort of.. okay i forgot to post and i am so soooooooorrrrrryyyy!! i thought i had already poseted but nooooooooooo.. so i am sorry and to make it up to you guys i am gonna stick to my updating schedule that is every thursday.. hopefully :P :P


okk i should tell you why i was late at uploading... i had school work and tons of it. my practice and other stupid things. i had to tutor this guy and he always has running nose and he stinks..yuck!! also my bestfriend is forcing me to go to this town fare and i DONOT want to go because it always ends up badly. like me getting a broken arm or upside down on a ferris wheel. ya..people have nice memories with carnivals and i have the worst ones there. 


also listen to this amazing song.. I LOVE YOU MAROON !!!!!!!

ok fangirl moment over! but listen to this song and enjoy!!!


sorry for wasting your time.. read the A/N at the end.. this is a filler chapter and the next chapter is verrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy big.. ill post on next thursday!! enjoy




FAN(if you like)



“he did not tell you?” jake asked. He looked shocked, confused and frustrated .

“ok, ill tell you.” He continued. “I am a werewolf, just like Markus. Wait let me speak. Its true werewolves exist. Ill show you” he said and then moved back 8 steps. Suddenly he started growing and there in front of me stood a..a..a OMG IT’S A WOLF!!!!!!!! No wait let me reframe it OMG IT’S THE GREEN WOLF THAT CHASED ME AND ALMOST KILLED ME!!!! “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHA” I screamed/ omg I am going to die.

Suddenly in front of me stood jake. a very naked jake. I quickly covered my eyes. “I am decent” jake said. I opened my eyes about to speak, when he stopped me. “now do you believe me?” he asked. I nodded mutely too much in shock to say something.

Ok so my former best friend turns into a werewolf. Nothing to panic about, nope, nothing, zilch.

“anna are you hearing me?” Jake voice bought me out of my thoughts. “umm..Ya” I said. “I am not the only one Anna. Markus and almost the whole school are werewolves” he said. “WHAT”I screamed.

How can no one tell me? And Markus too? Maybe that’s why he keeps growling. “why did he not tell me?” I asked to no one in general. I mean come on,even I know I wouldn’t have believed markus if he told me he turned into a hairy dog.

But the thought of Markus hiding something from me made my chest hurt and my eyes gather with tears.

Jake sighed. “listen Ann, please hear me out. I will tell you everything” “why would I want to know anything about this wolf thingy?” I asked. “you are a very important part of it. That’s why. You are Markus’ mate.” he said. “what’s a mate?” I asked confused. Mate is like friend right?

“years ago, a witch named Elizabeth fell in love with a man James. The man didn’t knew that Elizabeth was a witch. Now, James was a very greedy and selfish man. He married Elizabeth cause she had money. Elizabeth was, no, IS the strongest witch ever. James not knowing this, had an affair with another woman, who was a mermaid.

“Witches and mermaids have been enemies since the beginning of time. As soon as Elizabeth got to know about the affair, she got furious. You should know better than to make a witch furious. In her rage she placed a curse on James and turned him into a wolf.

“A wolf. Not a werewolf. Meaning he could not have changed back to human form. He would stay in wolf. However, this was not it. She made him immortal, so that he suffers for an eternity. In his wolf form, he would never be able to come into town or meet his loved ones for they would kill him if they saw a wolf as himself. If he did not get food he would starve, yet not die.

“but the mermaid had fallen in love with him. Her name was Sarah. She was the most powerful witch of that time. She could walk on the earth. Mermaids cannot walk on land. The die if they spend more than 2 hours on the land.

“but Sarah was powerful. She could walk on earth for a year. But as soon as she would touch water, her legs would disappear and her tail will appear. After that, if she does not go back into sea in 2 hours, she would die, like any other mermaid.

“so she set out to look for James. She soon came across a wolf. Mermaids can identify a witch’s curse and vice versa. So Sarah knew that this was James. Desperate for James to return to her, she tried to break the spell, but she could not as Elizabeth was much more powerful. But Sarah managed to turn half of James back into human form.

“this meant that James could turn into human form, but only for an hour a day. but slowly, the time started to increase and a century later, James could change into wolf form whenever he wanted. He was the first ever werewolf. He found his mate in Sarah. Soon both of them started to kill witches and attack their colonies as they wanted to rule the world.

“Elizabeth heard about this. She, knowing how to kill Sarah, went to them. She asked them to stop the destruction but they refused and tried to kill her. This made her angry and she threw water on Sarah turning her into a mermaid. She threw a knife coated with wolfs bane at James killing him immediately.

“now the place this was happening was a 100000 miles away from sea, so Sarah died too. But they left a child. He turned out to be the first alpha. He worked for the benefit of people and witches. Since then witches and werewolves have been great friends.” Jake finished his story with a sigh.

“wow.” Was all I could say. But soon curiosity over came me. “so what do you mean by Elizabeth IS the strongest witch?” “it means that she is still alive. She is a 1095 years old.” Jake said. “ok and whats a mate?” I asked him. “ a mate is a soul mate. He is the wolfs other half. And Anna you are Markus’ mate.” Jake said.

I soon left Jakes house after talking to him some more. I cannot believe that Markus hid this from me. I mean I am not even scared. Not much. I mean come on, if your former best friend turned into a wolf and told you such story you would probably get yourself admitted in a mental institution. At least I am not doing that.

So its better i guess... i need to talk to markus


did i tell you guys i love pretty little liars? well i love it!! spencers my favourite cause shes just like me.. i mean i wont be surprised if i was shipped of to radley one fine day.. i am crazzzyyy!! one of the reasons why i am weird.. lol. i still have no idea how i have friends.. anyways tell me about your favourite character and why you like it.. comment down there!! 



sorry i wanted to do that for a long time :P :P

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