my life is full of drama

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bonjour mon ami. i know i know.. i suck at sticking to schedules but hey! vaccations are here and i WILL upload once a week!! now withou furthur ado, here is the chapter and its summry since its been long since i uploaded. 


listen to THE BETTLES BABY!!


anddont forget to



FAN(if you want to.. no pressure)

here is the summry ofwhat has happened till yet

Annabelle is a crazy chick and Markus is a werewolf. Alpha to be precise. He and Anna meet at the school when Anna jumps on their table. From then on Markus knows that Anna is her mate. He kidnaps her for the day and they have an amazing concert in the middle of the road. Anna comes home late and is grounded. So she sneaks out just for the sake of it. She gets lost in an ally and there she meets Andy, who is a vampire. Andy, by the way, is also the name of her brother. Andy the vampire decides to make Anna her mate and drops her home. The next day she meets Markus’ she man cousin whose gender is still not clear. The she man takes liking in Anna. Later, Markus smells Andy on Anna as he is a werewolf and has a strong nose. He gets angry and yells at Anna who gets angry and leaves. She gets chased by a werewolf who turns out to be her former best friend. He tells anna about the history of werewolves and witches and mermaids. Later on, when she and Markus makes amends, a lady bangs through the door claiming Anna to be her daughter. Anna refuses to believe her and leaves, the next day she finds out that her best friend has been rejected .

Now continued…

Chapter 16

Annabelle pov

“what?” I whispered. Rejected? How can someone reject Cassy? She is beautiful. I mean with blond hair and green eyes and a figure girls will kill for, anyone will be lucky to have her.

“who would reject you Cassy?” I asked.

“Jordan” she whispered.

“Jordan who?” I asked confused.  “The guy that was with Markus on the first day of school.” She said. “Actually” she continued, “I told him to reject me” she said.

“WHAT? WHY?” I yelled. She asked him to reject her?

“I... he has a girlfriend. A human girlfriend and I think he loves her...” she whispered in a heartbroken voice. I think I get it. If Markus loved someone else, I would have killed that person. And Markus.

I nodded and started walking out towards Jordan before I was stopped by Cass.

“what are you doing?” she asked as she saw the look on my face.

“I am going to teach Jordan a lesson of course” I said.  That asshole, how can he reject her?  sure she asked it, but doesn’t he had even a bit of brain.

“wait” she yelled, but it was too late. I was already marching towards mr.mcdumb

He was standing there with Markus. He turned around when he saw Markus wave at me. But I was in no mood to wave. I was seething and angry beyond belief. And one thing you should know, when I get angry, the world is in danger of some mass murder.

what happened next shocked not only Markus but everyone in the hallway. I went and sucker punched the asshole in the eye knowing that it could cause some potential damage to my not so fragile hands. He was, after all, a werewolf and even if I hated to admit it, he was powerful.

So to say that everyone was shocked when I sucker punched him in the eye, and he, for the lack of better word, stumbled back, whether it was from shock that a 5’1 girl has punched him or from the impact of my powerful punch, I don’t know.

But since he was holding his eye and squealing like a dying hyena, I assume it was from my powerful punch. Yes I am violent, sue me.

But that wasn’t the end of my violent anger. No, I kicked him in his ‘family jewels’ and gave him 3 angry scratch marks on his face. I would have caused more damage to his ugly face, but I was, sadly, pulled back by-yes you guessed it right- Markus, my sweet mate, who I would love to kick ass off.

“let go off me Markus or it will be you next time” I was happy to see the scared expression on his face when I finished my sentence. I glared at Mr. Mcdumb with enough venom to kill death adder- which is the most deadly snake-but he was too busy squealing like a damn girl.

why oh why did you hit me” he asked dramatically. I tried, I swear I did, but alas, I punched him in his other eye. I was angry, sue me.

“how dare you! How dare you reject Cassy?” I yelled at the top of my lungs. He looked shocked for a second before he said something that I did not, in a million years expect.

“I AM GAY, how can she be my mate?” he said forcefully.

“but she told me you had a girlfriend.” I said angrily. How dare he lie to me!

“that was for show! Don’t you get it Annabelle? I am gay. I can’t be her mate.” He finished. And the expression on his face told me he wasn’t lying.


Seriously, “Oh?” that’s the best I could do? I really want to face palm myself.

“yeah, oh” he said. “you shouldn’t start blaming people before you know the truth. Don’t assume things” he continued angrily.

“I won’t. I am sorry” I said truthfully.

 “is it true?” a voice came from behind me. I was shocked to see that it was Cassy standing there with tears in her eyes.

“Yes, fate must have messed up this time” he said. She just nodded.

“let’s go Cassy. I’ll see you later Mark.” I said walking away with Cassy.

Wow… some drama my life has become.

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