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"Great...just great." Sean said, running his hand through his hair. "How are we going to get past them now?? There's gonna be way more than we've handled!"

"It doesn't matter, because we can still be ready for them." Mark said.

"Yeah right!" Jackie said. "They're probably gonna have more advanced weapons than us!"

"Guys, settle down!" Mark said, getting them to be quiet. "I gotta show you something. Follow me."

He lead them down to the first floor of the power plant, not much light to illuminate the walkway, but Mark weaved through everything as if he knows this place by heart. Approaching a metal door, he placed his hand over it, looking back at them with a smirk.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." He opened the door, extending his arm inside. "The weapon room."

Stepping inside, everybody's jaws dropped with shock. This room had everything: guns of all kinds, including snipers, machine guns, and many more. Crossbows and bow and arrows were right across from them, hanging neatly on a hook. Knives, shivs, daggers, even a couple swords were on one chunk of the wall. Bombs covered a lot of it, from smoke bombs, to regular bombs, any bomb you can think of.

"Holy shit..." Sean breathed. "This is like..weapon gold right here."

"This is one of the reasons I love this place." Mark said. "Pick wisely. But don't go nuts on it."

Sean immediately went over to the guns, getting a sniper rifle, grabbing the box of bullets. He also grabbed the machine gun, not exactly sure where he's gonna put it once they head back out at some point, but kept it anyway. Lily went across the room, picking up the crossbow and the arrows next to it, as well as a regular bow and arrow. Bridget picked a small gun and bullets, also grabbing a couple knives and shivs just in case. Jackie took a couple bombs, a gun with the extra bullets, and a knife. Once they were all set, they looked over to Mark, who was watching them from the door.

"What about you?" Sean asked. "Aren't you gonna get anything?"

He shook his head. "I already got what I need."

Sean only nodded, the girls following behind him as they headed out, closing the door behind them.

"So, what, now we just hang around here?" Bridget asked.

Mark shrugged. "Pretty's actually pretty relaxing sometimes."

"Guys." Lily said, looking to her left at a window. "Listen."

Staying quiet, they clearly heard faint moaning, which could only mean one thing.

"Dammit.." Mark said. "Just as I say it..."

"We need to get them, before they break the windows!" Sean said. "Time to test these bad boys out!"

They all took out their new weapons, Sean with his sniper rifle. They all ran up to the window, Mark running in the other direction, the others not sure where he's going.

"We can't shoot at the window! They'll get in easily, like you said!" Bridget said.

"There's a door right there, we'll burst through it and shoot!" Sean said.

Nodding, Sean kicked it open, firing his sniper rifle. Hitting one in the head, they dropped instantly. Lily ran out after loading an arrow in her crossbow, aiming it at another, and firing. One got at Bridget, tackling her to the ground, but she took out her gun, shooting it in the stomach, feeling the blood stain her shirt as she shoved them off. Rolling to the side, she shot it in the head, killing it right away. Jackie shot her gun once, getting one in the center of the forehead, slumping to the ground.

Mark came up through the group, shooting his shotgun, blasting their faces off, bits of brain and blood scattering everywhere. The shots echoed loudly, but it was over a few seconds later, everything silent once more.

"You guys alright?" He asked.

"Yeah.." Sean said. "When the hell did you become a good shot with that thing?"

Mark shrugged. "Practice makes perfect. Come on, let's head back inside before we get mauled by more of them."

Heading back inside, Lily locked the door behind her, leaning against it, checking out her crossbow.

"You know..this really isn't that bad. I actually kinda like it." She said.

"That's good." Mark said. "You were pretty good with arrow weapons."

Lily smiled, walking over to Sean, standing close to him.

"How long has it been already for you two?" Mark asked. "Just curious."

Sean thought for a couple seconds. "Almost a few weeks now, if I remember right."

Mark scoffed. "Damn..anyways, let's get you guys something to eat now that that fiasco is over."

With that, they headed up the steps again to get some food in their system.

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