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A couple days later, the group was finally released from the hospital after a quick checkup. Once they headed out the doors, the taxi was already there waiting for them. Climbing in, the driver took off once the door was shut. It felt weird that they were in a working car, seeing a bunch of buildings destroyed from the impact of apocalypse. The grey clouds made it feel a little more eerie, but something helped the scenery a little.

"They're rebuilding something." Lily said, pointing out her window. "Look."

They all did, seeing the same thing she was seeing. Construction workers, fixing a building that had half of it crumpled to the ground. Big yellow bulldozers were digging dirt, picking up debris, a little forklift carrying new pieces to where they need to be. Men in the green vests and yellow hardhats were walking about, picking up pieces they could carry, tossing them up into a big blue dump truck.

"Whoa." Bridget said. "That's really weird..I haven't seen that since all of this started."

"Me neither." Sean said. "It's pretty impressive, though."

They continued to watch it until it was out of sight, and they noticed they were close to the airport, seeing the giant runway for the airplanes. Once the taxi pulled into the parking lot, they drove up to the doors, and the group got out.

"Which one did she say it was?" Jackie asked.

"Gate C, so it should be right when we walk in, basically." Sean said, opening the squeaky front door. Heading inside, they walked down the empty aisles, Bridget watching a small white plane come in, heading to the gate they're going into.

"I guess that's ours." Lily said, approaching the gate. Nobody was there to scan tickets, so they just climbed on board. Once they set foot inside the airplane, it looked like a mini house, with the white seats, a bathroom area, and a little stand with drinks and snacks next to a small sink. A small flat screen TV sat at the front wall.

"Holy shit.." Bridget said, sitting in a seat. "This is really comfy..and a lot fancier than I thought."

"Yeah, no kidding." Sean said. "It almost feels like a little too much for me."

"Don't worry about it." Lily said, her hand on his shoulder. "We're just flying to Ireland. It's probably gonna take about twelve hours."

"Good, then we can relax for once." Bridget said, lounging in her seat. Everyone else sat around her, Sean and Lily next to each other, Jackie sitting by Bridget. The pilot gave the instructions, and they strapped themselves in when the plane moved to the runway. Once it picked up speed, they were pinned back in their seats until it took off. Waiting a few more minutes, the seat belt light went off.

"And now for the super long flight." Lily said, leaning her head on Sean's shoulder.

He nodded. "Yeah..but it'll be worth it. Because we don't need to deal with the apocalypse there since it's all cured and safe."

"Let's hope it really is." She said.

After a few hours of talking amongst themselves, they decided to get some rest since they still have a long way to go yet.


"Sean, wake up." He heard Lily say, opening his eyes right after.

"What?" He asked, lazily turning his head to look at her.

"We're getting ready to land." She said.

Sean's eyes widened a little. "Already? Well, that was quick."

Everyone strapped themselves in, just as the pilot told them they're preparing to land on the runway in Ireland. Feeling it get lower to the ground, it felt like a huge weight was on their heads, their ears popping constantly. Once they could see the ground, they felt a little jolt from the plane as it hit the runway, the tires squealing a little. Slowing down, they all got a better look. It was as if none of it happened, everything normal like it was before. A bit of happiness went through them as the plane came to a stop, and they all got off.

"This is gonna be weird.." Jackie said. "Not having to worry about things anymore.."

"Yeah, it will be for a while." Bridget said. "Where are we gonna live, though?"

"She told us they got us the apartments that I lived in before I came to Seattle." Sean said. "It's not far from here."

They came out into the airport in Ireland, everything looking like it usually does: busy with loads of people, and fast food places taking customers orders. Gift shops were also open, the front entrance lined up with stuffed animals, shirts, shoes, and other things. A couple people looked at them, a little confusion and worry on their face. Realizing they were still wearing the clothes they had during the apocalypse, they felt a little more uncomfortable as they stepped outside.

Lily took in a big breath. "Fresh air." She said. "Literally. I can get used to this."

"It feels good." Bridget said. "Especially this little breeze."

"Yeah, it does feel nice." Sean said, taking Lily's hand. "Let's get to the apartments. I know where they are from here."

They followed him onto the streets, staying close to each other like when they were surviving. People out and about glanced at them, their facial expressions saying it all. Trying their best to ignore it, they came up to a building that was a few stories high.

"This is it." Sean said, opening the door. "Ladies first."

The man from the front desk looked up as the little bell on top of it rang. "Are you the group that came from America?" He asked in the same Irish accent Sean had.

Jackie nodded. "Yes, we are."

"The first two rooms on the second floor are yours." He said.

They nodded, grabbing the keys from him and heading up to the second floor, finding the first two rooms.

"They go by rows, basically." Sean said. "So, Jackie and Bridget take the one across from mine and Lily's."

Nodding, Bridget unlocked their door, Jackie following her inside. Sean unlocked theirs, letting Lily inside first.

"It would be nice if it was the one I lived in before." Sean said. "But, oh well..I'm sure that stuff got thrown out by now."

Lily shrugged, turning to face him. "It's still a place, and it's one we don't need to run from."

Sitting down on the brown leather couch that was facing a TV, she suddenly had a weird feeling.

"What is it?" Sean asked, sitting next to her.

She lifted one shoulder. "You's really bothering me.."

"What is?"

Lily looked over to him. "The fact know...what we did..wasn't real..that it was a dream." She glanced down. "I kinda wish it wasn't a dream..."

Tilting her face up, he gazed at her. "That doesn't mean we can't make that real..because we can."

She sighed. "'re right.."

"I you still want to?" Sean asked. "I'm not gonna force you."

Smirking at him, she gave him a quick kiss, pulling away a couple seconds later. "I wanna make it real, Sean. I don't want it to be a dream anymore."

He smiled. "Then let's make it real."

And so they did.

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