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Heading down another long hallway, it wasn't really occupied with soldiers. But once they got to the end of it, it was as if a swarm of them was released, all of them roaming up and down the hallways. Hiding behind the wall, Sean glanced back at Bridget.

"I think now would be a good time to use it." He said.

She nodded, making sure no soldiers were suddenly seeing them when she pulled the pin, immediately throwing it. Turning away, they heard the explosion, followed by screams of pain or shouts of surprise. Once the grey smoke was thick enough, they stayed close to Mark and Jackie, moving through it. It felt more claustrophobic, moving through it blindly, hoping not to run into some pissed off soldiers.

They reached another door, Sean feeling for the handle, pushing it open, the smoke clearing up. Once the door was shut, they could finally see again, breathing in fresh air.

"Uhh...wait a minute..." Jackie said, looking around. "Someone is missing.."

They all looked around, not seeing anyone that wouldn't be here, except Kristen, until Mark's eyes widened.

"Oh crap...." He said. "It's Bridget."

"Where would she go??" Lily asked.

"We don't know." Sean said. "But we gotta keep moving if we wanna get out alive."

"Stop right there!" A soldier shouted. "You have really fucking crossed the line!"

Firing their gun, everyone ducked, getting close to Mark and Jackie. Sean took his gun out, firing a single shot, hitting the soldier in the chest, dropping them instantly. Immediately standing up, they all continued to move as quick as possible. They felt the grief inside them, knowing they lost one member, either dead or whatever else the soldiers threw at her.
More of them came running down the hallway, and the group had no choice but to duck for cover. Lily had her crossbow in her hands, quickly shooting an arrow, hitting one of the soldiers. Hearing bullets fly past them, they did everything they could to keep Mark and Jackie safe. Sean fired his gun, ducking back right away.

"Anybody else got any bombs?" He asked.

"No..I don't think so." Lily said. "I got enough arrows, I'll finish them off."

Loading up another arrow, she peeked over the flipped table they hid behind, shooting at them. Hiding once more, she heard a cry of pain, knowing she got another one.

But just as she was ready to attack again, they heard a metal tink, followed by a rolling sound. Everyone slowly looked, noticing it was a grenade.

"Shield yourself!!" Sean shouted, and when they did, a loud bang was heard, followed by them feeling the impact of it. Glancing behind him, Sean hissed in pain as his side throbbed, seeing that Jackie and Mark were okay.

But on one condition...

"Uhh...Sean.." Mark said, looking in front of him. Turning his head, Sean saw what he was talking about, immediately panicking.

" no no not again!" He said, numbly sliding up to Lily's motionless body, her face covered in blood and dirt. He heard soldiers shouting, but he took out his gun again, shooting the last few in the area. Once they were taken care of, he turned his attention to her again.

"I think she jumped in front of us to save us from the impact..." Mark said, sadness in his voice, holding Jackie tightly. "She took most of the blow.."

Sean rapidly shook his head, checking her pulse on instinct. He didn't feel anything, his body tensing up. "Oh"

Mark snapped his head in the direction he heard the door rattling loudly, noticing more of them trying to break it down.

"Sean we gotta move..." He said seriously. "I'm sorry man, but they're trying to break through that door right now."

"I lost her again.." Sean said, tears spilling down his face. "It's all my fault."

"No it isn't, Sean!" Mark said. "Dammit, dude! We need to move now!"

Sean suddenly felt complete rage go through him, and he slowly stood back up, glaring at the door they were almost through with.

"Go..." He said in a dangerous voice. "I'll hold them off."

"Are you nuts?!" Mark hissed. "I'm not letting you do this! We gotta get Jackie out of here together!"

"This could be the rest of them, Mark!" Sean snapped. "The exit is right around the corner at the end! Get out, and I'll meet you outside!"

When he didn't go anywhere, he turned his steely gaze to his friend. "I said...GO!"

Rolling his eyes, he shook his head as he left, leaving yet another behind. Sean had his gun at the ready, heart pounding against his chest. This could be it for him, this could be the end of the line. But what does he have to live for now? He's basically sacrificing himself for his best friend to get his dying girlfriend out of the danger.

Glancing down at Lily, a couple more tears ran down his face. "I'm doing this for you..." He said. "I love you.."

Just when he turned his head, the door broke, soldiers shouting as they saw him, and hell came loose.


Mark ran out the front door, into the open, catching some air as he stopped. He noticed both him and Jackie's hands were in a death grip, and he loosened it up a little.

"'re still here." He said with a smirk. "You alright?"

She slowly shook her head, her face wet from tears and sweat. "N..No..Sean..he's g..gone. is L..Lily."

"I know..." He said, kneeling on the ground. "He saved us, though. We got out. And now we can take care of you."

"I don't..think..I can..h..hold on much..longer." She said, gasping for air for a couple seconds.

"Hey, hey!" He said in a slightly desperate tone, touching the side of her face. "Don't give up, yet. There's still time."

Another explosion was heard, and this time, when he looked, someone came out the front door, realizing it was Sean. Breathing a sigh of relief, it didn't last long when he fell to the ground a few feet away, not getting back up, blood pouring out from his side.

"Sean!!" Mark shouted, not sure what to do. "Sean, no!"

Letting go of Jackie for a couple seconds, he rolled Sean over, noticing his eyes staring lifelessly in the sky. He covered his mouth in shock, feeling water from his eyes go down his cheeks.

"" He said, starting to cry, his voice wobbly. "Sean."

He suddenly heard a long breath behind him, and he whirled to Jackie, who also looked like she was no longer holding on. Heading to her, he gripped her now lifeless hand.

"Jackie, don't leave me!" He pleaded. "Please!"

Getting no response, he let it all out, crying loudly, not caring about anything else. He basically lost everything. His friends, the girl he loves, and his family..

But just as fast as it happened, he felt a shot of pain through his back before he knew nothing more, the world blacking out from his eyes.

I'm SO sorry it took forever to update this! I've been extremely busy lately! But I finally had time to get this one up! Next one is hopefully coming tomorrow! (PS..srry if this one's past 10pm here and I'm rlly tired Lol)


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