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They all sat around in the kitchen area with their food after it was ready to eat, happy that they finally get something in their system.

"Holy shit, you have no idea how happy I am right now." Lily said, taking another huge bite of her beans. "I think I like this place a little more now."

Sean nodded. "Agreed..thanks, Mark."

"Any time." Mark said with a toothy grin. "So uhh...what happened know..that?"

Jackie shrugged. "Like any other day nowadays...of course we mourned but we moved on and continued saving Lily from dying."

"Which was hard, by the way." Bridget said. "Considering some decisions that were made..."

"Well, sometimes when you're in those situations, you gotta make the choice, even if it's bad." Sean said. "That's just a fact."

"And it's a true one, too." Mark said. "Speaking of choices and what not...we might need to move out of here soon..only because so we don't stay in one place since soldiers are tearing everything apart looking for you guys."

"Yeah, won't that be fun." Jackie said sarcastically.

Mark smirked at her. "Anyways, I need to go take care of some things so let me know if you guys need anything else."

They nodded, watching him as he walked away, heading into a different room, shutting the door behind him.

"Okay, is it just me, or am I even more suspicious of how the hell he came back?" Bridget asked.

"I think we all are." Sean said. "People don't just come back from something like that, unless they're extremely lucky living through a dead on head shot."

"I guess he's one of those lucky people then." Jackie said. "Either way, let's just be happy he's alive and that we're back as a full team again."

"Says the one who loves him." Lily joked.

Jackie rolled her eyes, looking over to where Mark went. Heading in that direction, she glanced over her shoulder.

"I'm gonna go talk to him for a little bit." She said.

"And probably do other things.." Sean snickered. They all laughed at his comment, Jackie not hearing it as she went inside.

"So...what do you guys wanna do?" Lily asked as they slowly wandered around the plant, hooking her arm through Sean's.

"I don't know, in all honesty." Bridget said, but suddenly remembered something. "I do remember seeing a target practice area that looks like someone built themselves. Maybe we can go there."

Sean shrugged. "Sure..just know I'm gonna kick both of your asses."

"We'd like to see you try." The girls said at the same time, the two of them laughing. They headed into the target practice room, seeing a bunch of dummies scattered about a bunch of haystacks. A few white lights shone down on them, making it easier to see. 

"Alright..who's going first?" Bridget asked, taking out her gun. Lily kept her crossbow out, Sean taking out a pistol.

"Ladies first." He said.

Lily stepped up to the plate. "Don't mind if I do."

Loading up the crossbow, she aimed it at one with more distance, and fired, the arrow hitting right on the forehead.

"Damn, you really are a good shot with those." Bridget said.

Lily smiled slightly. "I know." She glanced at Sean. "Your turn."

"Don't mind if I do." He mocked. Rolling her eyes, she stepped to the side, Sean aiming his pistol, pulling the trigger. The bullet hit the chest area, directly where the heart would be.

"Impressive." Lily said. "'s your turn."

She was just about to aim when they heard screaming from outside. Immediately running over to the window, they didn't see anything.

"What the hell was that?" Lily asked.

Sean shrugged. "I don't know, maybe it wasn't near here."

Just a few seconds later, they saw somebody sprinting towards the plant, just like when they saw Bridget running away from zombies. And for this person, it looks like the same situation.

"Fuck..what're we gonna do?" Bridget asked. "Should we help them, like you guys did with me?"

Sean quickly went to the door, shoving it open. "Let's go check it out, and see if they're good enough to be with us."

Following behind him, they saw Mark and Jackie come out of the room they were in.

"You heard it too?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, we did." Sean said, taking out his shotgun. They all saw the person at the front door, banging on it constantly.

"Please let me in! Somebody! Help!"

"Shit..runners." Jackie said. "I think we should let that person in!"

"And have more zombies to deal with?" Bridget asked.

Mark only smirked. "We won't need to."

Just as he finished saying that, an explosion went off, followed by what sounded like bodies ripping apart. Looking out there, chunks of the zombies were everywhere, leaving no survivors except the one at the door.

"Well..that was fast." Sean said.

Mark went up to the door, opening it enough for him to see yet another young girl. "Can I help you?"

"Please, you have to let me in! There's more of them coming! I don't wanna die!" She exclaimed.

He scanned her up and down. "Why would we believe you? Are you one of them?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm not a soldier, or a zombie! I swear! Look!" She lifted up her sleeves, showing that her arms were clean except for a few dirt spots, as well as her neck. "Not infected."

"Mark, just let her in." Lily said. "She's clean."

Giving her a weary look, he moved to the side, opening the door for her. She had short dirty blonde hair, kinda like Bridget's but almost boy short. She had brown eyes, and like everyone else, tattered clothes.

"What's your name?" Jackie asked.

"It's Kristen." She said. "Thank you so much, you guys saved my life."

"Well, before we allow you to be in our group, we need to know a little more about you." Sean said. "So talk."

Kristen took a deep breath. "Well...I'm seventeen..and I lost my group one day because I got knocked out from something..I've been on my own for a couple months now..I don't know how I survived this long without them but I did."

Mark only nodded. "Well...I'll get you a room to settle in..and we'll think about whether or not we'll keep you."

She gave a small nod, following him to a room that would be open for her.

"I got a bad feeling about her..." Lily muttered. "I don't think she's who she says she is.."

"We'll keep an eye on her." Sean said. "In the meantime, we're gonna talk about if she should stay or not as a group."

Mark came back by them after getting Kristen situated, and they headed back into the kitchen area to talk.

Sorry it took a bit to update! Been pretty busy! But I hope u guys r enjoying this! Comment and vote!


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